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Make Your Own Mp3 Files

1.You need a cd rom drive that is capable of copying data.

To find out if your cd rom drive will copy, click here.

2.Once you have established your cd rom drive is "rip" compatlible, download the encoder, or "ripper" that works with your cd rom drive. I personally use windac32 for windows, and cdda for dos.

3.Once you have the desired track succesfully copied to your hard drive, you will notice its in "wav" format and it will be quite large. You can expect a five minute song to be 50 megabytes or more.

4.Next, you'll need to compress the wav you just ripped to mp3 format, mp3 compress is my tool of choice. That 50 meg wav file will be compressed down to 5 megs, and is now ready for play with any mp3 player.