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Earth Alliance

Omega Class Destroyer

The Earth Alliance Omega Class Destroyers are the most powerful ships in the current earth-force arsenal. They were the first new ship class to be designed and built after the disastrous Minbari war, and they incorporated much new technology. The first Destroyer of the construction line was the "Agamemnon", captained by John Sheridan. Most of these ships have names based on greek history and mythology. These ships are about 1 km long, and are equipped with beam weapons, other heavy weapons, and interceptors. Like most capital ships, they are not very manuevarble. There is no artificial gravity on board any Earth Alliance ship, inculding these ones. Instead the middle part of a Destroyer rotates to create gravity for the crew. They also carry a mixed compliment of Starfuries, most of them being the new Thunderbolts. The Omega Class Destroyers are of course equipped with jump-point generators. The Earth Alliance has since the war produced almost 200 of these powerful ships in an effort to improve Earth's defence against alien races.
There also seems to be an advanced experimental version of the Omega Destroyer. It is rumored to have prototypical new bio-engineered armor, and experimental new weapons systems. This class of ships is the most secret development from Earth Alliance research & deveopment, using the latest technology available. It seems like only a few exists, otherwise their presence would be known.

Nova Class Dreadnought

The Nova Class were earth-force's biggest and most powerful ships during the Minbari war, but still much inferior to Minbari ships. Since then this class of ships have been refitted and more built. The newer Omega Class (above) design was based on the Nova Class to save development costs. This class is seems heavily armed, and mostly provide support for combat units. These ships are probably capable of some level of planetary bombardment. Like the Omega Class, these ships can also open up their own jump-points. The Nova Class also carries several Ground Attack Gunships onboard.

Hyperion Class Heavy Cruiser

The Hyperion Class Heavy Cruiser is one of the oldest ships still in service, (together with the older Starfuries) they were all built before the Minbari war. Not many of them survived the war, but those who did have since then been upgraded with better weapons. There is neither artificial gravity or a rotating section on board, so the crew works in microgravity. This makes these ships only suitable for shorter missions, while the crews on the large Destroyers with rotaing sections can stay out for longer patrols. The Heavy Cruiser also carries Starfuries on board, and it is the smallest Earth Alliance ship than can open their own jump-point. The Hyperion Class has also recently been upgraded, and they now carry beam weapons and otherwise improved weaponry.

Starfury Class Fighter

The Earth Alliance Starfury Class fighters are uniquely designed for space combat. With the pilot(s) located in the center, and 4 engines located at the end of 4 "wings", the Starfury is amazingly manueverable. The Pilot "stands up" in the cockpit, which is the best position for most accelerations. The design itself is not very new, it existed before the war, but upgrades are continually made. There are 4 known types of Starfuries:

The standard light Starfury is basically the same model as the one used in the war, but with some upgrades. It is lightly armed and protected, but very quick and manueverable.

The heavy Starfury is a two-seater (the gunner is positioned looking back, pictured to the left) that is better armed and protected, but slower than the Light Starfury.

The Black Omega Starfuries are advanced models that are stealthier. They are are mostly used on "sensitive" missions, and are always piloted by members of Psi-Corps. They are easily recognized by the whita omega letter painted on top.

The newest Starfury derivative is the Thunderbolt. It is very different from the "normal" starfuries in that it is much more aerodynamic, capable of atmospheric flight as well as space flight. It has wings mounted on the engines that are folded out during atmospheric flight. It is also equipped with a powerful rapid fire cannon, and it has a crew of two, with the co-pilot sitting behind the pilot.

Ground Attack Gunship

The Ground Attack Gunship is the backbone of the Earth Alliance infantry. It has two roles, ground support / attack, and as a personnel carrier. The Gunship is primarily, but not exclusively, designed for atmospheric battle. It is capable of short-range space flight, but only to and from orbit. Once in orbit the Gunship usually docks with a Nova Class Dreadnought, its base of operations.

Earth Force 1

The Earth Force 1 is the presidential luxury transport, used by the president public trips. It has a rotating section, it also carries 4 Starfuries for escort at all times. There are at least two ships of this class in service.

Explorer Class

The Explorer Class is largest ship class built by the Earth Alliance. They are at least 4 km long, and are exclusively used for exploration and jumpgate construction. These ships can stay out for years without being resupplied, exploring new star systems and building jumpgates if any useful resources are expected to be found there. Only a few exist, since they are incredibly expensive to construct. They carry several small ships on board and are modestly armed, and they are of course also capable of opening their own jump-points.


The Scout ships are small scientific ships that take over where a Explorer ship has built a jumpgate. They then go in and map the system carefully, looking for valuable resources. Scout ships are usually piloted by only one person.


The Starliners are essentially cruise ships in space. The largest part of these ships is the spherical rotating section, where the passengers reside in their cabins. The Liners operate on a schedule between the Solar system, the colonies, and space stations like Babylon 5. The generated gravity on board makes these ships practical for longer trips in space, and for people who are not used to micro-gravity.


The Earth Alliance Transport is versatile little craft that can is used for many tasks. A transport can carry aroun 100 persons when packed, and the cockpit has room for 3 people. Countless Tranports are in use all over the Earth Alliance, where they are used for transporting people and goods from ship to ship or station. They are also capable of extended trips in hyperspace and can be used for long trips, not very comfortable though.

Atmospheric Shuttle

The Earth Alliance Atmospheric Shuttle is similar to in form and function to its Centauri counterpart. It is capable of landing and lifting off from a planetary surface. They can land both on runways, but also vertically if space is tight. They can only carry 4 people plus some cargo.


This model of freighter is very common in the Earth Alliance. It has a small crew, but the cylindrical bays can hold a lot of cargo. They lack any defensive capabilities and are therefore sometimes escorted by Starfuries or other ships through troubled sectors.
