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okay, heres the deal, with school and everything, we haven't had time at all to work on this page. if you haven't been here in awhile, our computer didn't have enough space left on it, so our dad deleted aol 4.0 and we lost EVERYTHING! so, we were planning on finding new stuff and then we were going to upload everything and pretty much start over, well, needless to say, it never happend. we're still die-hard fans, and we want to still make this page happen again, so, it probably won't happen until summer, but if you have any spare time, and you are interested in helping out, then email and we'll give you everything that you need to know, if we don't get any helpers, this page probably won't be up until summer break, so, i guess thats it! thanks so much for your time! remember to buy the new cd on may 9th!!!

