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Richard Hunglo

Ok, now where i'm writing is where you are going to type whatever the hell u want. i really dont care. personal opinion, personal info, fictious jibber-jabber, who gives a fuck. but, in order to do this, u gotta know the basics to html. so here we go. first, to break a line all u havta type is <, br,> and then
voila! like magic right? but what if u want a space in between like starting a paragraph? then u type <,p,> and then

holy shit there is goes. ok so theres the basics to typing

Now, images. this is kinda confusing so stay w/ me here. ok, say wanna put that angelfire logo down here. well ill show ya how we do it.
first type this thingy <, then "img src", equal sign, then some quotes ", then the directory name where the image is... for this image its "/doc/images/"... for our normal pics its usually just "images/" anyways. now the picture name "af_logo_156.gif", then end quotes ", and this thingy > and ur it should turn out like this...
<, img src, =, ", /doc/images/af_logo_156.gif, ", >
then we get our image ta-da!

Finally, a link is easy to do. <, a href, =, ",, ", > just like that. now the tricky thing is u havta add this thingy <,/, a, > after the word, phrase, or picture to cut the link.
so you wanna link to the cr1b, thats easy... see.

and we're done! so go get 'em. if u have any trouble just shout me a holla dogg. have fun!