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My Painting for Anne

This is a painting I did, as a surprise graduation present for a good friend of mine and former girlfriend, Anne.  I wanted to do something really special for her, and this was the first thing to come to mind.  I scanned one of her senior pictures she gave me, and blew it up to an 8x10, so I could "grid it out" and transfer it over to a painting. 

At left you'll see the beginning stages.  I laid down the basic background and first skin tones.  It was my first attempt at any kind of a close-up going in, I was kinda worried if I could pull it off or not. 

Here, I've essentially finished the background and have started to add some shading and highlights to her hair, her shirt, and her face.  In retrospect, I think I made the shading a bit too "abrupt" and didn't make it "soft" enough, but I guess you learn as you I have.  Anne's a really great person, and she's always meant a lot to me, so this painting has always carried a significant meaning for me. 

And, here we have the finished product.  I was really happy with the way the painting turned out.  Anne was really surprised with it too, so it made it very worthwhile.  It was a fun painting to work on, because, like many of the paintings I've done, it was a huge learning process.  Every time I paint something, I take something away from it.  I learn a new technique, a new trick, or something...and I use it the next time I paint.  Hopefully it shows in my work!  haha

But, anyways...this is my Anne painting.  Hope you liked it!

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