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Week 16 Atl 2, SD 1, Ind 1

Week 15 2-2 (50%) SD 1 - 1 more terminated, so far

Week 14 4-3 (57%) 2 more terminated

Week 13 7-1 (88%) 1 more terminated

Week 12 8-0 (100%)

Week 11 8-0 (100%)

Week 10 5-5 (50%) 4 more terminated

Week 9 10-3 (77%) 1 more terminated

Week 8 13-6 (68%) 6 more terminated

Week 7 9-17 (35%) 7 more terminated

Week 6 24-5 (83%) 3 more terminated

Week 5 29-0 (100%)

Week 4 28-3 (90%) 2 more terminated

Week 3 28-3 (90%)

Week 2 29-3 (91%) 1 terminated

Week 1 23-9 (72%)

Useful links?
..... NFL schedules by week

..... The spreads - even though we don't use them

EMAIL your pick from here

The Big Emma and Little Robby Gallery has been moved to the bottom of the page

Name Paid Wk1 Wk2 Wk3 Wk4 Wk5 Wk6 Wk7 Wk8 Wk9 Wk10 Wk11 Wk12 Wk13 Wk14 Wk15 Wk16 Wk17 Part 2?
Julie&Rob (F&F) cash 10/8 Cle Ind Mia Phl NE Chi Jac
Mike (F&F) Cash 10/14 Chi SD Was Jac NE Den Arz
Ernie (F&F) cash NE Bal Mia Dal Ind SD Phl Cle NYG Jac
Donna (F&F) cash Cle Ind Was Phl Chi Den Sea
Kim (F&F) cash 9/14 Was NE Mia Ind Chi SD Sea
Ryan (F&F) cash 9/14 Sea Mia Bal Phl Ind Den Jac
Morgan (F&F) cash 9/14 Arz Bal Buf Ind NE Was
Chris (F&F) cash 9/14 Cle Cin Bal Phl Chi Dal Ind Pit
Brian Parent (F&F) NE Ind Was Atl Chi Dal SD Pit
Lisa (us) Cash 10/14 Arz Chi Mia Atl NE Dal Sea NYG Jac Bal KC Min NO Cin GB Ind
Rob (us) Cash 10/14 Arz Bal Phl Dal Ind Chi NYJ NYG Jac Car NE Min Pit Sea NO
Pam (F&F) Cle SD Ind Atl NE Was
Tom (F&F) Cash 9/9 Arz Bal Det Cle Ind Chi NE Phl
Laura (F&F) check 9/14 Arz Ind Sea Cle NE Den Jac NYG Chi
Karen&Brian (F&F) check 9/12 SD Cin Atl Mia
Ger&Chuck (F&F) NE SD Mia Ind Chi Dal Jac NYG Sea Phl KC NYJ NO Cin GB Atl
Kristen&Carl (F&F) cash 10/5 NE SD Phl Atl Chi Dal Sea NYG Jac Den KC Min StL
Audrey (F&F) Ind Chi Mia Dal NE Den NYJ Cle Atl Bal KC SD Sea StL
Cynthia&Bill (F&F) check 9/14 Arz Bal Car Cle Min Dal Jac Chi NYG Atl
The "K" Kids (F&F) check 9/14 Phl Bal Car StL NO Dal Jac Chi NYG Atl
Ross (IDC) Cash 9/8 NE Ind Bal Phl Chi Den Jac Pit
Jim (IDC) Cash 9/8 Sea Chi Phl Ind Car Den Jac SD NYG Atl
George (IDC) Cash 9/5 Sea Den Mia KC Chi Was Jac
Larry (F&F) Cash 9/10 Arz Bal Mia Car NE Den Ind Chi Jac Atl KC Min Pit SF
Carl (F&F) Cash 9/10 Phl Bal Mia Dal NE Den Ind NYG Sea Car KC Min Chi Cin NO SD
Jim (F&F) Cash 9/10 Cle Mia
Jimmy (F&F) Cash 9/10 Cle Chi Mia Car NE Den Ind Cin
Dick (F&F) cash 10/5 Arz Ind Phl KC Car Dal Den NYG Chi Bal NE Min NO Cin SD Atl
Mark (F&F) cash 10/5 Arz Bal Phl Cle Ind Was Jac
Joe (Bdzr) Cash 9/7 Cle Cin Bal Oak
Karen (Bdzr) Cash 9/7 TB NE Mia Chi Phi Atl
Al (Bdzr) Cash 9/7 SD Mia Bal Cle NE Det GB Car
Maxwell Clifford Dora over Swiper and Thomas the Train over the Rails

The Big Emma and Little Robby Gallery

Emma turns 3

And once again the next day is Halloween

Emma rides a horse in the wilds of Colorado

A pic from Alaska

Big Emma and Little Robby - together


My team (I think they could use my help - better be suited up just in case they call)

Mother and child

From snow to cheering the home team to victory to snuggling with a bear

Emma turns two (and the day after being Halloween)

The older pictures