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Welcome to our webpage, please bear with us as we continue to add to this page, enjoy your visit.

John and I met over the internet in 1997, and after many long chats online, phone calls and letters, John flew to Australia and proposed in 1998. In 1999 I packed up my bags and moved to the United States. John and I were married in July of 1999.

Click Here to See Our Wedding Picture

After many months of filing numerous amounts of paperwork, I was finally given my conditional permanent residency. In a few months we will be filing to remove the conditional status.

In November 2000, our son Brandon was born, he is now 2 1/2 years old and full of energy. Look below to see a link to his page of pictures.

Ashley was born in November of 2002. She was 3 1/2 weeks early, and after 9 days in the hospital, she was sent home and has continued to strive each and every day. Ashley's page of pictures is also below.