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WHRoseGarden's Fanfic

Since I sometimes am immodest enough to recommend my own stories to others, I thought I'd make them easy to find, by creating my own page. So here you will find all my web-posted stories, regardless of which pseudonym I presented them under initially. So far, I have only posted stories relating to X-Files and JAG. Below is a link to my yahoo group, UST_Factor. Please join if you enjoy talking about your favorite couple and the rocky road they travel(ed).

G - contains No foul language, violence or sex.

K+ - contains very minor foul language, limited sexual situations (kissing), and/or limited violence.

T - contains moderate use of foul language, moderate sexual situations (heavy kissing, minor touching) and/or moderate violence.

M - contains heavy use of foul language, strong sexual content (petting, inferred intercourse) and/or strong violence.*

MA - contains extreme usage of foul language, graphic depiction of sex and/or extreme violence.*

* - none of my fics meet these standards.

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My Stories

Eden's Survivors -- JAG
Eternity's Past -- JAG
Words of Substance -- JAG
From Night Into Day -- JAG
Divided Not Conquered -- JAG
Journal of Journeys (Unusual Suspects) -- X-Files
Faces of the Future 1 -- X-Files
Faces of the Future 2 -- X-Files
Fairy Tale -- X-Files
The Mall Incident -- X-Files
The Watch -- X-Files
a poem
A JAG crossword
An X-Files crossword
StarSong - A Star Trek: Voyager Drabble
