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Title: StarSong
Author: JoAryn
Rating: G
Spoilers: None
Catagory: Drabble
Summary: Kes on her first day on Voyager.

Disclaimer: Paramount, etc own pretty much everything Star Trek.

AN: This is my first drabble (and first fic posting for Voyager), so please be kind. It is from Kes' POV on her first day on Voyager.

The cadence of this ship, so foreign, so different from the steady rhythm of my planet, the artificial heartbeat of the Caretaker. Low thrumming, like the amplified bass string of a instrument, pervades everything. My body hums in response. As there must be for the instrument to sing, there is tension here. Tension from the threat of the Kazon, tension between Starfleet and the Maquis. The score could be a dirge, mourning for worlds far way. But the people of Voyager have a more upbeat tune. The song is hope and I am eager to be part of the melody.

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