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First Aid for an Injured Hand

     This information is not intended to be a substitute for any needed medical attention to any injuries you may incur. You should use common sense and always obtain qualified medical attention whenever it is needed.

    While this information may be a bit out of the ordinary, all I can say is that it was given to me years ago by someone who was in their 80's at the time. I've learned over the years to give serious consideration to the experiences of others. I've learned a lot as a result. I've personally benefited from the following first aid information numerous times and I can tell you that it has worked for me. As you read it, try to keep in mind the following bit of wisdom: 'Never utter these words, "I do not know this, therefore it is false." One must study to know, know to understand, understand to judge.' With that bit of caveat, and without further delay, here is an important first aid step to take for injured hands, fingers, and thumbs. I would be interested in hearing what results you have, if and when you have occasion to use this first aid information.

    If you burn or cut or otherwise injure a finger or thumb, such as hitting with a hammer, pinching in a door, being stung by an insect, etc., immediately, or as soon as possible after the injury, hold the injured finger or thumb behind your ear, in the little hollow between where the jawbone and earlobe meet. For an injury to the left hand, hold behind the left ear; for an injury to the right hand, hold behind the right ear. Hold the injured finger or thumb there for as long as it takes for the pain of the injury to greatly diminish or disappear entirely. If done for as long as it takes for the pain of the injury to disappear, you'll likely find that burns will heal without a blister, and crushing / pinching injuries, etc., will heal without a bruise, and insect stings will heal without a red mark.



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