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Vote for Rhonda

Top 10 Reasons to Vote Rhonda for Student Body President

days 'til the Student Body Elections!

Wassup Spring Valley! My name is Rhonda Staley and I want to be your 2004-2005 Student Body President. Being Student Body President is a huge responsibility but I am ready to take on the challenge and give it 110%. I have been involved with student council for the lat 3 years. Holding the positions of Sophomore Class President as well as being the Current Junior Class President. I have also been a member of the Color and Winter Guard for the past 3 years and Capitan this season. I am currently a member of the Beta club, and have been a member of the Junior Civitan and FBLA in the past. Being President you are the student representative for the school. I have the people and communication skills needed to do so. I communicate well not olny with adults but with my fellow piers. I am always open whatever thoughts and ideas are brought to my attention. I also know that as president I am expected to be the model of what a Spring Valley Student should be like. I have no discipline problems and I carry myself in a way that is respectable manner. Just like you I attend Spring Valley and I want the same things you want in school. I want my school to be represented well, just as I am sure that you do. I want my school events to be fun and exciting. I want pep rallies to be something to look forward to. I want to make memories that I can take with me. I want my prom, my senior week, and my graduation to be great I want to be able to say that I am a student and Spring Valley proudly. I know that you want all of these things just as I do, and I will work my hardest to make all of them a reality. I will strive to make the next year better than that last and to leave footsteps for those who come after me to follow, so that they might make the years to follow even better. So when you cast your ballots, just remember Vote the BEST, Rhonda S! Once again this is Rhonda Staley and I want to be your 2004-2005 Student Body President! Thank you for visiting my page at Angelfire. Please come back and visit again!