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USS Pathfinder NCC-2121

An independent Sci-Fi club.

Hello and welcome to the Pathfinder web site. I hope you like it. Keep checking back for updates and changes. Now onto some information about the chapter.

Pathfinder first began as a starship in Roanoke, VA in 1986.  The members were devoted to charity of many kinds including the Adopt-A-Highway Project, March-of-Dimes and the local food bank. That chapter was a meeting chapter. The projects that the Pathfinder gets into now include Overseas Coupon Project and Stampede. Our membership ranges from Ohio to Virginia and our CO lives in Ohio.

Commanding Officer:
Rear Admiral Robin Pillow
808 Franklin St
Lima Ohio 45804-1624

Executive Officer:
Cmdr Patty Heany
808 Franklin St
Lima Ohio 45804-1624

Fictionally speaking, the Pathfinder is a Federation II Class Dreadnought and her CO is Valev Nibor, a member of an elite group who serve the Andorian royalty.  There is a lot of fiction written and not yet written about the Pathfinder and her crew.  Check back every so often and read what fiction is posted about the wonderful and long lasting ship of the line.

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