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these are all my selected songs..the whole list of them by just clicking..
  • ::all lyrics::
  • Feel For Him

    set up and stand out

    throw up and breathe aloud

    he can't stop this

    nor will he try

    he is fighting demons

    he can no longer hide,

    drop down to his level

    feel what he deals with

    you walk around and laugh allowed

    are you really that happy??

    or are you just as worse off

    as everyone else

    while she dresses up

    she wants to be a princess

    daddy's little girl

    well he's gone now

    so it will stop here

    these different lives

    all add up..they aren't as happy

    as they may seem..

    as they may seem..


    he is fighting demons

    he can no longer hide

    drop down to his level

    feel what he deals with

    empty bottles and broken homes

    if you go tonight please don't leave me alone

    you need someone with you

    or you'll never be satisfied

    falling back to amy from last week

    sunday night was a blast

    nine months later not so fun

    well he's gone now..

    and when he falls to his knees

    will you hear him out?

    or is it just another part of life?

    too late..he is gone now..

    yes..he is gone!!

    so lay beside her

    tell her how much you appreciate

    all she has done for you

    and keep the memories intact

    because she'll be gone..soon enough..


    he is fighting demons

    he can no longer hide

    drop down to his level

    feel what he deals with

    let him be,he's not your joke

    or what you think he is

    cause you never know..

    you never ever know..

    what goes on inside his home..


    A man once said to me

    "boy why you look so down"

    i replied to that man just to see..

    all i recieved was a gazing frown

    When he told her what he thought

    Lucy began to cry,she'd never been

    so in love lord,please don't let her forget to


    And i never made willingly

    oh no,no,she gave it..

    she'd never leave it out like that

    but that man never seen it commin'

    Oh yeah she blew him away

    oh yes i never should have left him

    so alone that day

    oh yeah..god save his soul..

    oh yeah..oh yeah..

    When Lucy touched his lips

    and took his hand..

    she then began to understand

    what it takes..yes..

    I never should have let him be

    i wish i could have let her see

    i'd loved to have lost my eyes

    so i couldn't see this blinding pain

    heading for my eyes..

    oh Lucy's eyes..

    As he spat upon her grave

    he disasembled her life..

    he never gave her a second thought

    before pulling that trigger..


    Oh yeah she blew him away

    oh yes i never should have left him

    so alone that day

    oh yeah..god save his soul..

    oh yeah..oh yeah..

    Just another human casualty

    is what i am..

    in a world full of treachery

    i'm nothing more..

    Make soul is gonna break..

    make much can she take??

    make it..fight for our love..

    make all of thee above..

    Oh yeah she blew him away

    oh yes i never should have left him

    so alone that day

    oh yeah..god save his soul..

    oh yeah..oh yeah..

    "Many Ways"

    In Many Ways

    things won't change

    i'll still sit around

    thinking of what could have been

    But I can't stop this feelin'

    shootin' straight for the head

    feeling naucious my stomach is

    burning from the inside out

    But then again....

    feelings can be deceiveing

    and hearts can change


    and when I flip you over

    i will find all your faults

    to prove that your not perfect

    it just comes out to seem that way

    and the little arrogant struts

    totally blew me away

    proving once again

    you're superior to me

    But then again....

    feelings can be deceiveing

    and hearts can change


    By the time my chance

    passes me by

    i will be so punch-drunk

    with indignity....

    i will fall hard enough

    to hear the past

    and my dependence for you

    grew each and every day

    by the time you had left

    i had crippled myself beyond repair

    But then again..

    feelings can be deceiveing

    and hearts can change


    Have you felt this comin'??

    'cause i have been now

    for weeks....

    and it all boils down to one thing....

    But then again..

    feelings can be deceiveing

    and hearts can change


    I Wish

    my body's numb with callousness

    and it's tired of your adolescent charm

    you can get anything..

    you could have anyone..

    and i wonder..

    is my charm wearing off??

    or don't you care anymore??

    don't you care anymore??..

    did you ever care at all??!!..

    so i'll stay back

    aware of your situation

    and wondering if it's how you want it to be

    or if you just keep it that way

    but do you think i'll believe what you're saying

    and back the things you're doing

    things aren't the same

    forever revolving around your every move

    around your every mood..

    and i'll crack a smile

    leaving you unaware of how i'm feeling

    i'll make you believe i'm happy

    and that i'm doing better..

    i couldn't be better..

    and i wonder..

    is my charm wearing off??

    or don't you care anymore??

    don't you care anymore??..

    did you ever care at all??!!..

    and i'm so awkward..

    i'm so strange..

    i wonder how could you feel about me??

    i wish you could feel my intentions

    they are all good..

    and set for your happiness

    but at times it seems

    i am supporting a lost campaign

    just hoping that your smile would mean more

    like you wanted to be with me

    you couldn't be without me..

    but things like that only come in dreams

    dreams of laying beside you

    and hanging out until 3 in the morning

    and staring into your beautiful eyes..

    and i wonder..

    is my charm wearing off??

    or don't you care anymore??

    don't you care anymore??..

    did you ever care at all??!!..

    will you ever care at all??

    Good Bye

    with that goodbye we parted our ways

    from this point we can't look back

    nothing else we can do will be the same

    but tonight we have to be ready

    to start our lives from tommorrow on out

    thoughtless of what or could have happened

    and sometimes i get so scared

    what if you forget?

    what if i'm just another boy in a photograph

    on your wall?

    but that's not how i want to be remembered

    i wanted to be your prince charming

    but my mistakes were unbearable and thoughtless

    my insecurities ate me alive and i gave up there

    maybe i should have thought about you

    instead of how i was feeling

    maybe i was wrong

    who knows..

    and sometimes i get so scared

    what if you forget?

    what if i'm just another boy in a photograph

    on your wall?

    but we have made a promise

    we can't let it break this time

    like the last three..

    maybe if we smile real hard

    things will be brighter

    maybe if we try real hard

    things will be happier

    then all the qoutes will change

    and i will have nothing in my defense

    nothing left to say or do

    just watch somebody else breathe you..


    and the feelings change

    in such mysterious ways

    and i'm so disturbed by

    the result of all of this

    so freightening and i'm so impatient

    waiting for the next sign

    to crush all hopes of

    regaining happiness....

    regaining control....again....

    and writing is just another

    form of self mutilation

    reopening the once gaping holes

    in my heart....

    and all i want is a total nirvana

    peace,and heaven all in one

    giving me something to pray for

    yet again....

    i know it's coming....

    i know you're coming....

    some day....

    one day to blow me off my feet

    and giving me all i have ever wanted

    and that i need....

    you'll fill the void,left open

    by her....

    make me forget all the wrong doing

    brought upon my complex thoughts

    so with this i will finalize it

    i'm selling myself to you..

    and the price is nothing more than your love....

    Last Try

    Every good bye opens up

    room for a new hello

    let the past slip away slowly

    move into the future at full speed

    i'm ready to live..

    i'm ready to die..

    i'm ready to love..

    i'm ready to cry..

    when there is nowhere to run

    and nowhere to hide

    i'll be waiting behind you

    watching from the outside

    where i can taste the pain

    hold you up to the light

    shut you away

    keep you safer over here

    if i was stronger

    i could be your lover

    if i was brighter

    i could be your sun

    i would fight with your nightmares

    just to make your days a breeze

    i would break down the walls

    confiding you in your loneliness

    i'm ready to live..

    i'm ready to die..

    i'm ready to love..

    i'm ready to cry..


    your smile stands out

    laught it up

    now's your time

    you got what you wanted

    as for me not so lucky

    it's ok..i will show you someday

    fall away from me

    i don't want to know

    what you've got there for me

    hidden behind those jaded eyes

    my sarcastic hints are only forced out

    by wanting you to withdrawl without me

    so i will spit out the taste of your mouth

    and run as far as i can get

    when my veins fill up with anger

    i blow it all out,no more time

    no more will,i'll shut you out

    i'm unreachable now

    and as a zombie my body still roams

    no feeling of togetherness

    no feeling of home

    all that's the breath in my lungs

    my sarcastic hints are only forced out

    by wanting you to withdrawl without me

    so i will spit out the taste of your mouth

    and run as far as i can get

    and when i hit the bottom

    i will search as low as i can

    to seek the dark crevesce you hide in

    that in which is stopping me from homeliness


    i cant stand it when im around you

    you make me wish i never knew you

    im sorry for whatever the hell i have done to you

    because i dont know so will you tell me?


    i dont care right now

    so what i dont belong

    you think im different

    but this is were i belong

    so dont tell me know

    because i could care less

    it doesnt bother me either which way

    you know you make me regret it

    dont pull me down this is were i belong

    you think im different dont you?

    i dont care right now

    so what i dont belong

    you think im different

    but this is were i belong

    so just forget it all

    im so lonely now

    this is were i belong

    you think im different but i dont care at all-


    -through thick and thin you are my skin

    the one true friend from within

    a person you need to survive

    a person to help you in your strive

    through my sickness in health

    you are my only true wealth

    a friendship to last for eternity

    thoughout this world of great diversity

    friendships are growing stronger

    we will last a hell of alot longer

    our friendship is a stronger kind of love

    only of one that could be sent from above

    through thick and thin you are my skin

    the one true friend from within

    a person you need to survive

    a person to help you in your strive

    noone could never tear this friendship apart

    we will always be connected at heart

    neither of us will be left behind

    just because of our friendship bind-

    written by eric.

    long run

    -i need someone to relate to.

    not just a friend but a companion.

    some one thats likes what i am not what ive got.

    but now im stuck on it.

    which one to take?

    which one to break?

    and i dont know what to say....

    i need the one i can trust.

    the one to believe in us.

    the one thats in it for the long run.

    no cheap thrills.

    but now im stuck on it.

    which one to take?

    which one to break?

    and i dont know what to say....

    where to go from here

    what to say from there

    just need you to be there for me

    for me

    but now im stuck on it.

    which one to take?

    which one to break?

    and i dont know what to say....-



    where are you now?

    you left me behind


    i am your son.

    but yet im not the only one

    you left behind

    and i wonder am i still on your mind?

    you left me and its like you never even cared

    you werent there whenever i was scared

    at my first game where you there?

    huh?were you daddy?were you there?


    where are you now?

    you left me behind


    you could atleast have called

    but now its your fault you dont get involved

    i know i still love you

    but do i know that you love me too?

    why did you do it?

    and why did i have to go through it?

    is it all my fault?

    all my fault?

    all my fault?


    were are you now?

    you left me behind



    where are you now?

    you left me behind



    the silence doesnt bother me anymore

    like it did before

    im so fucked up and insecure

    well aware but not assure

    why cant i understand

    take forth in this big demand

    i hate this feeling that burns inside

    something i can no longer hide

    you said you would always be mine

    but look what we found out in time

    i dont trust you nor will i ever

    this pain inside will last forever

    im the one left to cry

    left lying there to die

    i lived on your call

    and was there to take your fall

    then i hear about all this shit

    i believe its time to quit

    i hate this feeling that burns inside

    something i can no longer hide

    you said you would always be mine

    but look what we found out in time

    i loved you..........


    my soul has died today

    but my body continues to linger on

    my life has slowed down

    but is not fully gone

    every man dies

    no man ever really lives

    but yet his life he gives

    just to please you......

    just wait till he leaves you.....

    and you will fade away......

    but your life with always stay

    and you will fade away......

    i will never let your soul go astray.......


    taste the pain of glory

    your burnt out i know

    but we all will remember your story

    and your burnt out that i know

    so i will guide you in the direction to go

    and you will fade away......

    but your life with always stay

    and you will fade away......

    i will never let your soul go astray.......


    you must fade away......

    nothing good will stay.....

    just thank god for today....

    and continue to pray......

    for what tommorrow brings may throw you off guard

    leaving you lonely and empty

    and you will fade away......

    but your life with always stay

    and you will fade away......

    i will never let your soul go astray.......


    and you will fade away......

    its better to burn out then to fade away......

    written by eric.

    breaking down

    im breaking down



    welcome to the academy of unsatisfactory

    where your life counts and adds on ounce by ounce

    save me before i drift too far away

    until i fall black and fade away


    yeah im down...

    please think for me

    because i cant bare to

    and i would talk to you

    but its not fair to

    i try to find someone to help me in this position

    but there is no one i see to fit the description

    i walked to town looking for the down house

    but all i found was a bloody blouse

    it all was an illusion

    a sane illusion

    the intelect transfusion

    just a fuckin' illusion

    i looked at the mirror and sighed

    for as my true self has died

    oh yes im sorry i could have lied

    so i went to the temple and cried

    please think for me

    because i cant bare to

    and i would talk to you

    but its not fair to

    please think for me

    because i cant bare to

    and i would talk to you

    but its not fair to

    and its not fair to.....


    i opened my eyes

    to find the love left between us

    this feeling of emptiness inside

    left by you as you went away

    i got up out of my room today

    to open my eyes and see your touch

    to watch you grace my universe

    because your tears are the rain upon my world

    your smile brings out the sun

    and your eyes are like a thousand lost promises

    you are my universe

    when i wake up to your quiet whispers

    it makes me want to give up all that i own

    just to stay in that moment

    because your tears are the rain upon my world

    your smile brings out the sun

    and your eyes are like a thousand lost promises

    you are my universe

    waking up today wasnt the same........

    you werent there....

    you are my universe


    dont worry

    dont worry ...girl

    i said don't leave me

    don't leave me...girl

    and we can go hiddddddeeee away



    all the people trying to bring us down

    time to show them whose got the power......yeah......

    i am here and i know you all.........

    i'll get you near then i'll take your fall

    (five minute long solo)


    uh.......c'mon giiiiiiiiiirl.......

    dont worry

    dont worry

    i said dont leave me

    dont leave me

    and we can go hide

    we can go hide

    we can go hiddddddddeeeeee


    you know i don't know

    be you could help me understand....


    hide where none can see

    we can play and be free

    fuck the world girl

    your with me

    walk alone

    (change again

    change again)

    here i go..

    changing again

    aging again

    playing your games again...

    i walk alone

    through narrows corners of my brain

    i walk alone

    down new paths that look the same...

    i see my own

    life fly right past me

    i see my own

    life but its not what i want to see

    im coming home soon... coming home soon...

    here i go..

    changing again

    aging again

    playing your games again...

    and i walk alone

    through narrows corners of my brain

    i walk alone

    down new paths that look the same...

    i walk alone...


    i love alone

    fake it

    youve got to pull me together

    youve got to hold me forever

    lost me in the back track

    lost me in the last face smack

    so pick it up for the last time

    so pull it off,just one more ryhme

    i dont believe her,she feeds it one day

    and i dont belive her,shes always gone away


    i drew the line here

    i drew the face of fear

    to attain me from the,depths of your emptiness....

    smile at me,please

    show me you care....

    or atleast fake it for me....

    youve got to pull me together

    youve got to hold me forever

    lost me in the back track

    lost me in the last face smack



    is all she ever does


    everyday because

    she's workin' 7 days a week

    making enough money

    to make two end's meet

    so your pressin' your luck

    walking down that street


    kissy kissy

    make up to me

    kissy kissy

    make up with me

    and you always had a pretty face...yeah.....

    she's workin' 7 days a week

    making enough money

    to make two end's meet

    so your pressin' your luck

    walking down that street



    little lies is what you tell

    don't wrong me girl

    what the hell

    is wrong??

    oh yeah.....

    trippin' up on your lips


    you know i want...i want...i want it all!!

    she's workin' 7 days a week

    making enough money

    to make two end's meet

    so your pressin' your luck

    walking down that street



    can you see me,through your blindness

    can you hear me,through your kindness


    can you help me,i am sinking

    i can't help you while your thinking

    and i have only one say to you

    it was great....lovin' you

    the past is haunting....that i know

    and i'm glad of it....for sure

    can you see me,through your blindness

    can you hear me,through your kindness


    it was made up to be bigger than it was

    i'll admit it was bigger than i

    and i will always remember you because

    with you is how i forver want to lye

    can you see me,through your blindness

    can you hear me,through your kindness

    i never saw your loving,beating heart

    i should of just believed it was there,from the start

    you made it all so wonderful

    can you see me,through your blindness

    can you hear me,through your kindness


    i haven't slept in days

    thinking about the same thing

    and it hurts me in so many ways

    and when i turn on the t.v. it's hell

    it reminds me of laying with you

    and your beautiful smell

    and my days just aren't the same

    i don't have you to be kissing

    and i know i'm the one to blame

    so i will have to keep on missing


    this weather outside reflects my feelings

    rainy,wet and cold

    and as i lay here looking at the ceiling

    i think of you,happy,smiling and bold


    and my days just aren't the same

    i don't have you to be kissing

    and i know i'm the one to blame

    so i will have to keep on missing


    resting here,my pillow's covered in tears

    and i just keep on thinking

    i am so shook up with fear

    how's tommorrow gonna be??

    without you....

    without you....

    and my days just aren't the same

    i don't have you to be kissing

    and i know i'm the one to blame

    so i will have to keep on missing


    anthem to em

    your wonderful to talk to

    your smiles so beautiful

    and i just wish i could get with you

    my friend for a year

    my closest confidant

    with you i have no fear

    so i will just wait around

    until you think of me

    i will be standing there without a sound

    i've blown a chance before

    not knowing of it

    this time it won't pass me up for sure

    i just don't think you understand

    that i could feel this way about you

    but i do....

    yes i do....

    i have for awhile now

    so i will just wait around

    until you think of me

    i will be standing there without a sound


    so i will just wait around

    until you think of me

    i will be standing there without a sound

    i wish we could start to talk

    but i have no luck like that

    i just hope you don't begin to walk

    away from me....

    so i will just wait around

    until you think of me

    i will be standing there without a sound


    pull over please

    i need time to think

    she said "whatever"

    and now shes gone


    so i said aloud

    if i am screaming

    will you hear me??

    because that's the only way

    i seem to get through

    to you

    i am trying to think back

    to the happy days

    stayin' up all night

    sayin' i love you

    i love you....girl


    so i said aloud

    if i am screaming

    will you hear me??

    because that's the only way

    i seem to get through

    to you

    now i am singin' alone

    in the shower and thinkin'

    what is my motivation

    and this is it

    this is it

    i said this is it!!

    and i'm ready to forget the reasons

    that i was with you for so long

    so long....

    so i said aloud

    if i am screaming

    will you hear me??

    because that's the only way

    i seem to get through

    to you

    to you....

    crucify me

    i'm tired,fed up and stoned..

    sick of your problems..

    wanna hear mine?

    love it when you break

    thrive on your handicaps

    just give me time

    time is all we want

    crucify me in the morning

    and stone me by night

    i love it when you're angry

    i love it when we fight

    confuse brain cells

    against a stereo head wall

    jump off the inter-plaque way

    just let back and feel the fall

    save yourself from this

    drop the pen in that split second

    stand back from the firey fists

    of your significant other..

    crucify me in the morning

    and stone me by night

    i love it when your angry

    i love it when we fight

    when we fight...


    crucify me in the morning

    and stone me by night

    i love it when your angry

    i love it when we fight

    crucify me in the morning

    and stone me by night

    i love it when your angry

    i love it when we fight

    when we fight...


    can you even see me?

    do you even care?

    will you ever need me?

    will i be there?

    everthings so crowded

    and everyones so loud

    i feel like i'm surrounded

    i see through all it now

    laying here beside myself

    i took out all my fears

    and hung them on my shelf

    things been hiding away for many years

    i hear the cars go screaming

    right past my head

    as i try to lay there dreaming

    in my callous bed

    can you even see me?

    do you even care?

    will you ever need me?

    will i be there?


    can you even see me?

    do you even care?

    will you ever need me?

    will i be there?

    my thoughts are all so crumpled

    my thoughts are all so worn

    me feelings are so trampled

    me feelings are all torn

    i feel no more reasons

    or lies left here to stay

    so i fear all my treasons

    will kill me here today

    so i will see you later

    maybe in another life

    and i can be your savior

    to disguise all your strife

    can you even see me?

    do you even care?

    will you ever need me?

    will i be there? all songs written by eric nickell and copyrighted by Until®