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(( -until- ))
(( -until- ))eric,jon,brian,adam and justin can you stand them??

  • -the band-
  • ::news::
  • ::biography::
  • ::lyrics::
  • ::members::
  • ::pictures::
  • ::meanings::
  • ::influences::
  • ::gear::
  • ::comments::

    you're the fuel to the fire,you're the weapons of war,you're the irony of justice,and the father of law

  • -coming events-
  • ::shows::
  • the band
  • ::eric-nickell::

  • ::jon-fankhauser::

  • ::brian-wilson::

  • ::adam-murphy::

  • ::until-the new face of alternative rock::

    The pictures are finally up!!

    Go to the member page to see some of the band members pictures,and the rest will be under the pictures archive....

    ::check the bottom of the lyrics page to see the new material put up::

    the latest on the band....

    *eric nickell has been working on new material
    *the new lyrics will be put up soon

    *jon has been working lately and possibly to work on a side project..
    *adam murphy is still working things on the drums..
    *brian wilson is now playing rythm guitar
    *As now Justin Moegling will be working some bass for us..

    this line up probally wont be changing in the future so this is what the band should stay with for awhile....

    voices eric nickell
    guitar jon fankhauser
    guitar brian wilson
    drums adam murphy
    bass justin moegling

    until® alternative music since december,2000

    ©Y2K Millenium -
    Until Entertainment Inc.
    All Rights Reserved