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Trumbull Volleyball Club

    The 2006 season is finished.

 I have had computer problems for 2 weeks and unable to get on.I am back up and running now.

I want to thank everyone for a great JO season.  I have seen improvement in many players this spring.  I hope everyone enjoyed the season  and the East Coast Championships.  It was a great weekend and many of our teams did very well.

I was able to see many friendships develop over the season that will last forever.

We will be organizing again for next year around November1st.  Please be in contact with me if you are interested in participating again next season.

I want to thank our coaches for volunteering their time to work with the girls for the past 5 months. Their effort was outstanding and truly appreciated.

Please contact me if I can be of any help at any time.

Thank you

Chuck Montgomery

Club Director











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    This site was last updated on 06/06/2006

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