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just a girl, but not an ordinary girl

my name is lin. i am a submissive woman and member and moderator of SWO. i was quite naive in my understanding of what true submission and obedience is but my desire for a contentment within myself and my marriage was very strong. The teachings of SWO has touched on something that spoke to my heart. i am very grateful for this guidance. i am not an ideal student. At first, trust and obedience came to me with great difficulty, but i never stop trying. Now my greatest challenge is patience and acceptance.

i used to think i was strong, but i had strength confused with pride and stubborness. There have been times, recently as well as in the past, when i've felt very weak and lost. i see now, that the greatest strength a woman can have, is the strength in surrender. i can't truly surrender until i learn to have faith and acceptance.

"Come to the edge" he said.
They said, "we are afraid".
"Come to the edge" he said.
They came.
He pushed them and they flew.

My Favorite Web Sites

The Submissive Wife