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Hi there, and welcome to the summer 2003 message board. Here, you will be able to see all of the events planned over the course of this summer, with dates and information on who you can contact.
Who can go to these events?
Anybody! Even you can enjoy the pleasure of spending time with a fantastic group of teenagers.
This message board should be updated frequently.

Now... Let's get down to business.

For the most part, MONDAYS are to be Game night. The game is to be decided by the people attending, whether it be physical or mentally stimulating. These games will usually commence around 7 pm. This is followed by a meeting of the UDF Club at the United Dairy Farmers store near the post office at 9 pm.

Also, TUESDAYS are to be Rent-a-Movie night. The people participating in the event will get a movie that everyone can agree on watching, and then they will watch said movie at a location to be announced. This would be around 8 pm.

Finally, FRIDAYS are going to be "Fun" nights, even though every night is fun with these people. The group will decide on a location to spend the evening, and it will most likely be a fabulous occasion.

(Sorry about the non-updation)

Recent Events:

Date Time Who Attended? Event Results
6/16/03 7:00 pm Hurst, Plumb, Smith, Bunck, Shattuck, McCreight, Crist, Caldwell, Holmes, Merkert, Fujimura, Rowe Football at Archer Park: Boys vs. Girls Boys 21 - Girls 7

Jenna Plumb injured knee

Katie Shattuck injured butt

6/20/03 8:00 pm Hurst, Bunck, Rowe, Shattuck, Crist, McCreight The Triangle Cowboy Club in Greenville Apparently, it was fun, Katie got hit on a lot
6/23/03 7:00 pm Shattuck, Caldwell, Bunck, Granger, Rowe Merkert Game Night @ the Caldwell's: Scattergories Neon Sanders was a definite controversy

I think Keith cheated... oh well

6/24/03 8:00 pm Rowe, Hoying, Caldwell, Granger, Plumb, Merkert, Nakel (not senior), Hurst, Bartley, Butson, McCreight, Crist Movie Night @ the Hurst's: Van Wilder We watched "Dog Eat Dog" before... what difficult challenges they have on that show (i.e. peanut butter sandwiches)
6/30/03 7:00 pm Caldwell, Bunck, Shattuck, Crist, McCreight, Hurst, Merkert, Rowe, Plumb, Hoying, Reed, Evans Game Night @ the Merkert's: Balderdash Ryan is designated the cheater of the night

Keith won... again


7/1/03 8:00 pm Dixon, Fujimura, Caldwell, Evans, Rowe, Merkert, Bunck, Shattuck, McCreight, Hurst, Behm Water Balloon Fight: Troy Community Park Zack won by default (he had a water gun w/ water that he forgot about.)

Coming Attractions:

Date Time Event
7/4/03 who knows 4th of July party at McCreight's.. maybe?

This page was created by Alex Merkert. It was last edited on 7/2/03
Contact Becky Hurst (Beckz32 on aim) for more information