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Greek Life Trends
The face of Greek life has been changing on both a national and a local spectrum.  When someone says the word "sorority," many people immediately imagine parties, alcohol and hazing.  These preconceived notions are the basis for negative Greek stereotypes as more and more conscientious students focus on studies and career paths.  It is important to note that Tau Epsilon Mu sorority is an independent local organization that is not affiliated with any national letter organization.  TEM strives to create a sisterhood that focuses on intellectual, social and spiritual growth.  The sorority Constitution states that members must hold a 2.0 grade point average (GPA) to become active and maintain that status.  According to the Otterbein Student Affairs office, sorority women on campus maintain a higher level GPA than non-Greek women, with a 3.2 cumulative average.  Tau Epsilon Mu focuses on the importance of academics and also maintains a higher average than non-Greek women at Otterbein College.  Two sisters of Tau Epsilon Mu are currently members of the Order Of Omega, a national organization of Greeks who maintain a superior grade point average.

This statistic is reflected on a national scale.  An article in U.S. News & World Report stated that most Greek women on college campuses maintain higher GPAs than their non-Greek peers.  In addition, these women are more likely (and often required) to become involved in community service activities.  Greek life has consistently proven to improve communication and leadership skills; all but two American presidents since 1825 have come out of the Greek system and 85 percent of Congress and the Supreme Court were also a part of these organizations.  Despite the positive contributions of Greeks to their respective campuses and society, sororities and fraternities on every level are being suspended and expelled from campuses.  In the past year, the Ohio State University suspended four Greek organizations, and Otterbein College suspended two fraternities as well.  This recent trend is impacting Greeks across the country.  In an attempt to keep an eye on such trends and the quality of Greek life at Otterbein College, leaders have set up a Greek Life Task Force to evaluate issues of importance to Otterbein Greeks.

If you are interested in keeping up to date with national issues facing Greeks today, the Greek Source web site includes current information and discussion forums.