.:hey buddies:.

name: an ngzuuyen
nickname: some call me anabanana and
no one really calls me “mimo.” but
there’s always wishful thinking
ethnicity: vietnamese. everyone knows
i’m puerto rican at heart. lol bump that!
location: orlando, florida, usa, north
america, earth
birthdate: 5 April 88
age: that would make me 16 & it’s very
height: 5’3” ish
weight: fat. i’m pretty sure of it. who
else can gain 7 lbs in like a week?!
that’s like a pound a day. ewwwww
type:extremely jealous
status: taken by my daniel lee

colour: green
food: peaches & cupcakes
tv show: the oc
song: lemme love you-mario
band: modest mouse
singer: gwen stefani
korean character: pucca
korean: daniel lee
type o music: reggaetone. hehe. i’m
just playing. it’s good music though.
i’ll listen to a lot o music but hiphop
is great for now...

i love’s
eating. sleeping. the fellas. being a chief. air
conditioning. abulous people. a built
man. daniel lee.rotc. boba.
turtle blasts from dunkin donuts. yogurt
covered pretzels. talking. hugs. dancing.
driving. flirting. apple smirnoff twisted.
kisses. candy. exotic fruit. exotic
anything. chocolate. cuddling. kittens.
large #5 barbeque sauce & a small
parfait (lunch). gangster driving music.
music in general. creme puffs. desserts
in general. candies for men. daniel.
escada island kiss. hot guys who can
dance decent. daniel. people who call
me. audis. writing. hot bubble baths- with
extra bubbles. good people. beautiful
men who call and smell edible. kittens.

i hate’s
working out. coliflower which reminds
me of herpes- don’t ever take LMS.
ugly gangsters who think they can get
with people. tans gone wrong. people
who don’t call back. little
whores who are two-faced, and are blinded
by jealousy. guilt. fat.
being fat. being called fat. obsessing.
laziness. things that make me sad.
country music. jealousy. curve.
my cellie. mistakes. hating. the smell o
flowers. cheap cologne. arguments.
indecisive people. cigarettes. guys who just
pop outta nowhere and start grinding and
touching u and u find out they’re really
ugly. lol. & can’t dance. inconsideration.
the wrong thing. silence. rudeness.
boredom...which is why i made this
piece o shit.

loser talk
i learneded html all by myself!
& rotc is on my mind... i had a
freaky dream about it...
not that kind of freaky. hehe

i've forgotten the lingo of html
so no pics for a while...

talk to me....

sn: theycallmemimo5
e-mail: gonavygrl05@hotmail.com
phono #: 407. jus.task

dun forget to sign my guest book so
i can hunt u down like a dog! hehe
but seriously, sign it.

a final thought: if the energizer bunny
attacked someone, would he be
charged with battery?

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