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PhilDaPlaya: Stupid computer. Had to run it in Safe mode.
litla dullan
: aw
litla dullan
: i have a problem with jay
: What is it?
litla dullan
: i don't want ur claw to stay in his account
litla dullan
: and i don't want him to have it while he is on chat
: What did he have to say about that?
litla dullan
: he's mad
litla dullan
: jake told me he's been picking on people on chat again
litla dullan
: messing with cordy and llb and others
: Even after what Skyla said...what should I do? Take it?
litla dullan
: and jake was gonna say something too but he wouldn't wanna take the risk to see jay attacking him, wuz wendy was on, and if she had seen that, she'd have frozen jay
litla dullan
: it's in my account for now
litla dullan
: that's what i told jay, no matter what i tell him, he keeps going at it
litla dullan
: so we have to take safety measures
litla dullan
: cuz if he keeps doing that he WILL get frozen again
: Yeah I agree
litla dullan
: jake was looking for me yesterday so i'd tell jay to keep it quiet but u know i wasn't on
litla dullan
: i was gonna transfer all the NP too but i felt uncomfortable doing it
litla dullan
: maybe u should use another account or something for storage
litla dullan
: cuz whatever account jay uses to chat risks to get iced anytime
litla dullan
: and i don't want to see all that taken away from u again
: Shit hold on
litla dullan
: MaStErMiNd2k7 (19:57:17): so...the claw is mine...and you're making decisions for me...
litla dullan (19:57:25)
: it's urs and phil's
MaStErMiNd2k7 (19:57:33)
: not it isn't
: who said i fucking accepted this idea?
litla dullan (19:57:40)
: u can leave it phil's if u want
litla dullan (19:58:07)
: well u have no choice jay, cuz no matter what i tell u, u dun listen and u will get frozen again
MaStErMiNd2k7 (19:58:15)
: whatever marie
litla dullan
: what
: My dog was coughing. Rubbed his back. He says the claw isnt' mine?
litla dullan
: u read what i read i think
litla dullan
: is ur dog ok?
: I think so.=/
litla dullan
: ok
: *sigh* What to do, what to do...
: Marie I don't wanna talk to him. I'm blocking him, don't say I'm on.
litla dullan
: ok
: It's not like he can force you to give it back...and it is practically mine
litla dullan
: i know he hasn't been earning much lately anyways
litla dullan
: and the reason i put it in my acc and not urs, is cuz he got ur pass and not mine
: I'm changing the pass to squallion right now.
litla dullan
: should i send u the claw then?
litla dullan
: and tell me ur pass :p
: Naaah, what do I need it for?
: It's funkygoat
litla dullan
: ok well if u need it u know where it is
litla dullan
: LOL @ ur pass
: Yup
: Three toed sloth *drool* Cute.
litla dullan
: o.o
: He moves sooo slooow. :D
litla dullan
: i dunno what it it
litla dullan
: is*
litla dullan
: MaStErMiNd2k7 (20:16:18): phil is still on
: did he block me?
litla dullan (20:16:39)
: he said he was going
MaStErMiNd2k7 (20:16:47)
: is he still on AIM?
litla dullan (20:16:53)
: no
MaStErMiNd2k7 (20:16:55)
: lol
: he just posted
litla dullan (20:17:08)
: =/
: Shit, I couldn't resist posting.
: Oh well, he knows I'm on. So what.
litla dullan
: MaStErMiNd2k7 (20:17:26): you two love lying to me
: and you wonder why i'm bitter
: We make him bitter? Hah.
litla dullan
: he's paranoid
: It's pathetic. I don't care. He can blame me all he wants for how he turned out.
litla dullan
: yeah i dun care either he was like that before anyways
: Yeah I know. I just had to get away from it, ya know?
litla dullan
: i know
litla dullan
: i should too
litla dullan
: but i'll just let him type in that window
: Hehe. Put a flashlight in my mouth and now my cheeks are red. xD
litla dullan
: u didn't know? ._.
: I did but it's fun!
litla dullan
: lol
litla dullan
: dammit i let him use an account of mine and ask him not to post, yet he does
: God...=[
litla dullan
: *locks him out*
: Good, probably'll say something and get you into inky trouble.
litla dullan
: The Shopkeeper says 'Welcome'

This shop description was found to be unsuitable and was cleared

There are no items for sale in this shop!

litla dullan
: lol
litla dullan
: ur shop
: Hmm???
litla dullan
: it's cuz u have been frozen, they cleared ur shop
: Ohh, forgot to change it.
litla dullan
: lol i called jay a 'living risk' :p
: :-D A the world! Ho ho ho!
litla dullan
: lol
litla dullan
: actually i can rs now
litla dullan
: lol
: Where?
litla dullan
: in the account i had let jay use
litla dullan
: he wanted to rs in skadia i said no cuz u were :-P
litla dullan: (which was a good excuse)
: Ooooh.
: He asked that?!
litla dullan
: yes
litla dullan
: MaStErMiNd2k7 (19:49:16): hey marie i'm rs banned can i rs in your acct?
: Crazy. What about that other guy?
litla dullan
: MaStErMiNd2k7 (19:53:13): plz lemme rs in your acct
litla dullan
: what other guy?
: shadowblade
litla dullan
: MaStErMiNd2k7 (19:51:12): gah i can't use shadowblade
litla dullan (19:51:16)
: y?
MaStErMiNd2k7 (19:51:17)
: he'll know if 100 nps is missing
: he keeps track of his nps
litla dullan (19:51:26)
: well then bring some of urs
litla dullan (19:51:31)
: like 50k
MaStErMiNd2k7 (19:51:38)
: then he'll wanna keep the rest left over
litla dullan (19:51:56)
: is he on?
MaStErMiNd2k7 (19:52:00)
: maybe
litla dullan (19:52:06)
: =/
: Seems a little odd, he can always pay him pay for what he bought.
litla dullan
: i know
: Gah hold on. Gonna find a background for my shop.
litla dullan
: is where u had taken ur bg
: Thaaank you.=)
litla dullan
: ;-)
litla dullan: New Event! Mail from caisguy
(wowm you agreed with me on my board? im ...) (show all)

litla dullan
: its for u hun ;-)
PhilDaPlaya: Oh my, btw, I won't post anymore in yours lol.
litla dullan
: i dun mind u posting u are correct on chat
: Kay!
litla dullan
: :-)
litla dullan: i never asked u not to chat
litla dullan
: i asked that to jay cuz he's a living risk as i said :p
: Well I might make you look bad or something.
litla dullan
: how could u?
: *shrugs* But I won't ruel it out.:p
litla dullan
: if u hit on girls yeah maybe >.<
litla dullan
: but u won't anyways so it's fine :-P
PhilDaPlaya: Which I DON'T
litla dullan
: i know :-P
PhilDaPlaya: Hey hon, you know that NEAT way you set up my lookup. With the text?
litla dullan
: ?
: The old lookup in squallion. It was like...damn I forgot, I know I like it though.
: The text was all pretty and stuff.
litla dullan
: o.o
litla dullan
: the colors u mean?
litla dullan
: and like it was small?
litla dullan
: the black bg and stuff?
: Just the text.
litla dullan
: actually i'm preparing something for ur lookup...
litla dullan
: i should be working on that one as i'm banned
litla dullan
: so u want me to make ur text smaller?
litla dullan
: and colors?
litla dullan
: btw, dracolizard isn't our son no more
: Mmm, kay.
: Kay.
litla dullan
: hun, i'm gonna make something that will match ur bg
: Ok, you know what you're doin.;-)
litla dullan: i do ;-)
PhilDaPlaya: Brendan wants to go on sooo I'm gonna let him in a hour tay?
litla dullan
: ok
litla dullan
: did u remove the image on ur lookup?
: No, it's still there.
litla dullan
: mmm i guess its my comp then
litla dullan
litla dullan
: what's that new pet?
litla dullan
: oh to test meerca stuff
: Oh, yeah.:p Tested out the meerca boomerang and accidently created two meercas
litla dullan
: lol
: And the other one had a queer name soo got rid of that one.
litla dullan
: Woaaah, how did you do that thing with my image?
: I mean badge
litla dullan
: i didn't do anything lol
: It disappeared. >.<
litla dullan
: it's filters tho, but u had it already
litla dullan
: it's faded not gone
: But f it was faded you would still see it, yes?!
litla dullan
: i can see it here
: Hmm
litla dullan
: MaStErMiNd2k7 (20:59:56): lemme rs in there
litla dullan (21:00:01)
: no
MaStErMiNd2k7 (21:00:07)
: lol
litla dullan (21:00:14)
: cuz u wil post on chat again and u'll get me frozen
MaStErMiNd2k7 (21:00:18)
: i can get cohedro to hack you
litla dullan (21:00:20)
: so, no
MaStErMiNd2k7 (21:00:21)
: lol but i won't do that
litla dullan
: i can make all the yellow disappear on the left menu too :p
: Well in case you get hacked you have evidence right there.
: Do that. >.<
litla dullan
: yeah i'm saving that
: Seriously DOUBT cohedro would have anything to do with him but.
: He said he knew Ado before lol
litla dullan
: yeah i dun believe him either
litla dullan
: MaStErMiNd2k7 (21:02:37): lol
: he's cool
: phil is on marie...
: lol did you tell him to block me?
: skadia @ 12:01pm :

Have them arrested lmfao.-Phil
: marie now thats just mean
litla dullan (21:04:04)
: he said he was letting brendan on ._.
MaStErMiNd2k7 (21:04:16)
: lol
: It's ok honey, I'll tell him why I blocked him later.
litla dullan
: no cuz then he's gonna know i lied >.<
: Ok, I'll post different tags. >.<
litla dullan
: no its ok
litla dullan
: MaStErMiNd2k7 (21:06:29): gawd
: tell phil to unblock me
litla dullan (21:07:25)
: he's not on aim
: I won't "be on AIM" for awhile so I'll come up with something for that
litla dullan
: k ;-)
litla dullan: can u check on ur lookup and tell me if that's what u meant?
: !!! It's great! :D
litla dullan
: lol
litla dullan
: i can change colors and stuff if u want
: *hugs* I like it just fine honey.
litla dullan
: u're still editing ur pet's page? cuz i can add that too
: For some reason, I can't add any more text. I really have no clue what I'm doin so I won't mess with it.
litla dullan
: what u wanna add?
: What I get from stocks.
litla dullan
: input blocked?
: Yesh.
litla dullan
: ok lemme check
litla dullan
: i just fixed my pet's page so i know what it is
: *kisses your head* Container of the brain! I'm glad you know this stuff so you can help me out. ._.
litla dullan
: lol
: Mmm! Hasn't stocked..gar.
litla dullan
: =/
: How long is Marie gonna be on?
litla dullan
: as long as my sweety will ask her
: Grand! Coz he might want some time to be happy soo...maybe you get some sleep when I go?
litla dullan
: now???
litla dullan
: no
litla dullan
: 9:20 i dun think so
: Just sayin.:p But yeah when I go, I will be back!
litla dullan
: ok
litla dullan
: maybe itll be later when u go
: Well I can go whenever but he'll want like...2hrs?=/
litla dullan
: >.<
: I can tell him you said to get off sooner!
litla dullan
: lol
litla dullan
: bah he deserves some time on too
litla dullan
: maybe i can call u when u have to get off
: He wants me to get off after spongbob is off. Which is liiiike, now.
litla dullan
: >.<
litla dullan
: so should i call or leave that for later/tomorrow
: Later.
litla dullan
: ok
: Definitely later, coz I'll have the phone and I don't have it now.
litla dullan
: k
: Kaaaay time to go. >.< I'll seee you later love.
litla dullan
: seeya hunni :-)
PhilDaPlaya: *hugs and kisses you* BYE!
litla dullan
: :-*