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Welcome to Mrs. Visoky’s Page of

Speech & Language “Extras

Anita Melfi Visoky, M.A.C.C.C.-SLP, Speech-Language Pathologist 

South Euclid – Lyndhurst City Schools 

This page is for the families of my students and for any others who have an interest in children with speech and language disabilities. Families often wish to do something extra to learn about and help with their children’s communication skills. I am posting some links and information that hopefully will be of assistance to you. Since my students are very diverse in their needs, the information on this page is, too. You can simply choose the activities that seem to fit best for your own child. There is a lot of great information here, so you may get lost or side-tracked in the process, and maybe you’ll see why I find the field of speech-language pathology so fascinating! Thank you for visiting this page, and for your interest in helping your child build better communication skills. And thank you to Kathy Zielinski, our augmentative consultant SLP, for recommending some of these sites.

A little bit about our program about SEL program

Getting acquainted (or re-acquainted) with your child  favorite_things A form for you and your child to print, fill out, and return to Mrs. Visoky

About speech and language learning

*To learn more about speech and language disorders go to

*To learn more about the speech and language milestones which typically occur from ages 1 through 6, and how to encourage your child’s language development go to
or to

Tips for communicating with some of my favorite people (children with speech/language difficulties, of course!) tips_page

Helping at home

*For speech-language activities and practice for school aged children go to any of these sites:

*For phonemic awareness activities go to

Phonemic awareness is the ability to recognize that a spoken word consists of a sequence of individual sounds (phonemes). Phonemic awareness is a good predictor of early reading achievement.
*For helping a non-verbal child or a child in the early stages of verbal development to become more communicative go to

*For language and articulation activities for young children, along with general activities, oral motor, gross motor, fine motor, and sensory activities go to

*For more information about articulation disorders and what you can do to help, go to

*For more information about fluency and general fluency guidelines, go to

Materials and more

*To access some excellent interactive storybooks for pre-readers through early readers go to

*The learning page site has a huge collection of professionally produced instructional materials. I especially like the books that you can print out. The mini-books are great for hearing rhyming words. The vocabulary books use simple sentences to present new vocabulary. Go to

*This next site looks like a nice help for SLPs, teachers, and others who want to create materials. Go to

Games and more

*This site has a nice collection of games and crafts for children and families to do together. If your child works on the games independently, you can have him work out loud for practice using good speech sounds or good sentence structure. Go to

*The funbrain site has lots of learning games to offer. Grammar Gorilla is a great game for identifying nouns, verbs, adjectives, and other parts of speech. It also could introduce some new vocabulary. There are many games that children and parents can enjoy playing together. Talk as you play, paying attention to good speech sounds and sentences. In the parent section, you’ll find “educational games for your child”, then you can “find a game by grade”. Go to

"A little bit of everything"

*The speaking of speech site is where we school-based speech/language pathologists go to share ideas and activities. The materials exchange has some nice communication boards for non-verbal or minimally verbal persons. There is also a nice social story there about being respectful. Go to

*The speechfun site has links for materials such as sign language pictures, pictures for communication books, and picture schedules for home and school. This site is meant for parents and professionals working with children with autism, developmental delays, speech-language deficits, and reading delays. Go to 

*Here is a great site which was developed by a parent of a child with special needs. There are many resources for children with autism on this site. Go to 

*The following website provides “activities to promote independence in children and adults with special learning needs.” It proclaims that it has “games, songs, communication cards, print resources, and information for special needs”. They are being far too modest; the word “awesome” should be part of their description. Part of this site was used earlier on my page for learning about speech and language disorders (see above). This site also contains a section on family advocacy. In addition to information on speech and language disorders, this site has information on attention deficit, autism and PDD, cognitive disabilities, learning disabilities, etc. Go to