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:: Ryan's Worthless Thoughts and Rants ::

Just shit about shit
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:: Sunday, December 29, 2002 ::

Anyone else have a good Christmas? well I had a fine X-mas although I'd rather have spent it doing nothing... I just can't get into the whole celebration happy bullshit.. I find it pointless to decorate up a house for a month then have to take the shit back down.. I guess you could call me party pooper but if you ever came to one of my families' lame get togethers you would understand what I mean.. Most people have families that are simular to themselves but well that isn't the case here.. I normally find myself just sitting back and staying off by myself while the rest of my entire family talks and laughs about shit that doesn't matter to me.. I'll be the first one to admit it.. i'm not a home body... I've always wanted to get away.. Be it going to a friend's house or leaving to go someplace just to escape my family... I know it sounds bad but I really don't see myself staying in touch with my sisters once I'm on my own.. They are just the opposite of me.. It's very sad to some people but I see it as a way to be truely happy.. They're just another story I don't want to ever get started on.. Well anyways.. If this made no sense to you, maybe it's because I don't write this for people to read but more as a relief from myself.. Oh well.. If you do read this don't worry... I'm not as mean as I seem in my rants.. Well atleast not as mean to most people... Okay I'm out.. sorry people
:: ryan 9:32 PM [+] ::
:: Tuesday, December 24, 2002 ::
Well first off I really would like to thank all the Jarosiks for a great time in Arizona... If I had to sum the entire trip up into one word I'd say "Awesome"...
Top Ten Things I learned while in AZ
10. Don't go there without "Dress Clothes, and Dress Shoes"
9.Bring shorts, just incase you are talked in climbing "small mountains"
8.Workout like your going on spring break because there are no bad looking girls there (well except the one that are soo fake that Mattel the doll makers of Barbie are suing them for copyright infringements.)
7.Drink fast, bars close at 1am
6.When going to the clubs or bars, try to keep a person around that can handle their alcohol. So they can drive (30 minutes) back to where you’re staying. Go easy on the car’s breaks.
5.If you meet a guy named Buck avoid him at all costs
4.Don't CHUG Fat Tire
3.Don't get soo wasted that you spend two hours throwing up, and feeling sorry for hours the day after
2.When planning on going to AZ make sure to find a great party girl (Pooch) to stay with (that way they don't get too pissed at you for being guys)
1.Don't just don't stay the three days you first planned on (you won't regret staying a couple extra days)

I just like to thank Pooch and her roommates for not kicking our asses to the curb. We all had a great time. We'll return the favor the next time your in Athens..

Other than the 5 awesome days in AZ, I got to have my first plane flight, which went very well.
As for my wisdom teeth that is another story. Don't trust a doctor.. They tell you the operation will go smoothly. Telling me I should be in and out in about a half hour to 45 minutes.. then taking nearly 1 hour and 45 minutes cutting and pulling 4 wisdom teeth.. Lets just say the drugs had started to wear off for the last 10-15 minutes of the operation and I was feeling every twist, yank, and break going on.. I like a little pain time to time but that was ridiculous.. I can't remember the last time I had cried before that day.. about 6 days later the swelling and pain has almost all completely left.. His excuse was my abnormally strong bones.. I think he was just old and forgot to fucking over drug me.. BASTARD.. oh well it's over now.. I guess the bruises will heal by tomorrow.. Just remember kids get your teeth check often..

well i hadn't felt well enough to rant lately until now...
I'll be back...
:: ryan 1:04 PM [+] ::

:: Monday, December 09, 2002 ::
Now this is funny... Who likes Chop Suey? Not the food, but the Song by System of a Down. Anyways you can hear your favorite anti-government song sung by one of the up and coming names.. Avril Lavigne.. The little skater girl herself.. Has now put her own happy go lucky and skate twist on the song.. Gosh isn't she just special.. anyways.. To check it out yourself Click Here and hear it for yourself.. Right click and Save Target As if you want it for download.. Gosh she is just a talent.. It's just great.. Soo cute and Hopelessly ignorant.. for trying to cover a song just released.. Awful but worth a gander if you feel like wasting your time..

Screw that..

Oh well I'm spent.. later all
:: ryan 11:53 PM [+] ::

Blah blah blah.. what to write.?. what to write... well not a ton running through my head... Only the mere fact that Jack Osborne really leaves me pissed off at times.. The kid just reminds me of someone I have known for a long time.. for fear that he might read this I won't state his name.. (just for the record.. I've known him my entire life.. soo no one gets confused). The kid (jack) just thinks he is a badass.. I mean because his father is Ozzy.. but the kid is pretty much lame.. His most renowned thing he thinks he has is his "music knowledge" which pisses me off more than almost anything.. I guess I respect that, but I find it hard to believe that kid really pushes music boundaries.. Meaning.. How far does his knowledge reach? Sure most likely he knows more names than I do.. For god sake the kid has been on Ozzfest.. But does he branch out? meaning different areas of music other than just rock (being: metal, hardcore, emo, punk, and ETC) does the kid really try to be open to new music? I did have a point when I started to type this but realized most of all I get pissed that the kid is well known, and he is the true prodigal son story at hand. (to refresh your minds.. that's the story were the rich father gives his son money and the son has all kinds of friends as long as he has the money.. but once the money runs out soo do his friends) Anyways, I hope to see it play out fully.. The last episode of the Osbornes just showed Jack walking the beaches with his "friends"; would he still have those friends if he wasn't on TV? Sadly I think not.. I just think Jack is a bastard.. Maybe too stupid to realize he wouldn't be shit without his TV time.. I think girls are dumb enough to date the shit because they know he's famous.. I guess I can't complain about that part soo much because that is basically the same for every TV personality well except for Ted Coppell (maybe)

Oh well That was a true rant.. For the movie review of the day.. well I watched Out Cold It's your basic ski bunny movie.. Funny one liners, a couple hot hot hot ski bunnies, a crazy snowboarder, and a small snow village being taken over by a new owner, but what this film has that all the rest normally lack is good humor.. and well-placed jokes.. I laughed quite a bit throughout the film.. So I give it a 3.5 out of 5 (which is pretty high for a comedy)..

Well kids, I'm out.. off to enjoy the freedom of doing nothing besides relaxing.. Wow it feels great.. I know it can't last forever..
:: ryan 1:11 AM [+] ::

:: Sunday, December 08, 2002 ::
Tonight I watched a very interesting movie The Ring ... As you might have guess I like movies that force me to think.. Maybe it's a sickness but I hate movies I know everything is going to turn out fine in the end.. I'd rather sit down and watch a movie that leaves me hanging and not fully sure of the ending.. This is a strong point about The Ring.. It left me thrilled and chilled.. Which in Ryan's book that is a good thing.. If a movie doesn't push any buttons then I think it's basically worthless.. Happy endings always to throw the movie down the pooper.. I'd rather shoot myself in the foot than see the hero get away with his entire family and all his friends... Without loosing something I do not get an emtional connection to the character... If that makes any sense to you I don't know... The Ring I am going to give 4 out of 5 stars.. mainly because it drew me in.. Even on two hours of sleep I was able to find it stimulating.. The plot wasn't set in stone which made me work to find the true meaning..

Anyways.. I hope reading these reviews helps you make choices.. Test them out and let me know what you think.. If you don't agree E-mail Me.. Tell me what you really thought..

I'm out for the night kids.. Behave all...
:: ryan 1:52 AM [+] ::

:: Friday, December 06, 2002 ::
Okay if you haven't seen it.. Rent it!!! soo your wondering what the hell is he ranting about now.. One word for ya... Amelie.. Sure it's a love story.. But this a damn good one... Very interesting.. and extremely fun to watch.. I would say I enjoyed it more than any other movie this year.. The DVD will be mine.. I don't know how to explain the film.. It takes you into loops that just work out in the end making you smile and grin ear to ear.. Definatly a must see.. On the Ryan's Scale of movies.. I'm putting it up there.. 5 out of 5 stars.. Worth your time.. If you get tired of the subtitles then your basically worthless... They are spaced comfortablly into the movie.. Even the slowest of readers will be able to keep up....

On the other hand I watched Snoop Dogg's movie Bones.. For a Snoop flick I wasn't terriblly bored by it.. It's just a scare flick.. Just a little pimpish twist on the Candyman... If you got other plans.. Do them before watching this flick.. Now if your a diehard snoop fan.. Check it out.. I'm giving it 2 out of 5 stars.. Just not fully impressive..

I soon hope to add a movie review page to my webpage once I get time to rebuild it.. Keep an eye out.. I just might surprise you..

Oh Yeah... If you haven't been sled riding in a while GO!! It was the most fun I've had in a while.. Got to run kids.. later..
:: ryan 2:03 AM [+] ::

:: Thursday, December 05, 2002 ::
It's seem to me that I am less productive when I am home than when I am at school.. So far I think I have watched 13 movies.. Some I have seen a million and a half times.. Others for the first time.. Just got done watching a fairly funny, pointless, college movie Slackers like some of it's fellow college movies it makes no since to over 1/2 of all college students.. True something you can relate to, but then there are the out of control parties where no cops come to break them up.. Plus every dude gets the chick he's waited his whole college career.. Also, everyone in college films have pimped out houses.. Even the Nerds from Revenge of the Nerds their house rocks.. I suppose its Hollywood but come on.. When does that shit happen in Athens? When you find a huge house right on campus that isn't over priced.. Guess I want to see a college movie that is real, people with normal houses.. Going to normal parties.. Haha... as for the people in some of the movies I feel they are the realist part of the entire movie.. Each of us knows at least one.. "Crazy, loud, party animal", or the kid that sits in his dorm room all day and night playing video games, or the my mommy and daddy own Dell "look at my BMW.. Etc” Oh well, since this is my blog, I can ramble on... Back to the movie.. Slackers was all right.. 3 out of 5 stars.. Not terrific but average..
Who knows? Maybe I'll be eating my words at the end of this year? Hopefully I will..

Anywho.. Now it's time for the matters at hand.. Who else wants X-Mas to get here already? I'm tired of the weatherman saying big snows then we get jack shit.. I was really looking forward to a huge snow.. I suppose one will happen when I really want to do something..

I did get my grades in my e-mail today.. 7 times straight on the dean's list... not too spectacular this time, but it wasn't a breeze through quarter.. 3.4 GPA will help out the overall.. Although an overall GPA of a 3.8 would be nice by the time I graduate..

Well kids this boy is tired of typing.. Time to read some more of L.O.T.R. (a.k.a. Lords of the Rings).. I'm a geek I know...
:: ryan 3:10 AM [+] ::
:: Wednesday, December 04, 2002 ::
Well as some may know... the night is my time to play... I think it's mainly from the stress of everyday life.. Anyways. I'm loosened up at the moment and feel like typing, although it's not the easiest thing I have ever done.. Have watched a few movies lately.. None TOO outstanding but one I was surprised by.. I watched save the last dance and thought it was actually a good flix.. It just wasn't over the top drama or action.. It was just fairly good acting.. Like something that could happen in your own life... maybe not soo much the dancing part (I can't dance) but more of friends and decisions you have to make through out your life.. Why cares what other people think? Why put yourself through stress over someone you may love.. Why? In the end nothing matters... I guess it was just an uplifting film. It made me laugh at times and well at times pissed off..
Out of the most recent new flix I have seen, I would say Panic Room was the best. It placed you in an awesome Manhattan apartment (mainly over the top house) but each step of the movie drew out a good side.. It gave you the suspense you expect to seem with a little added action.. Not TOO impressive but an interesting idea to write a movie..
Insomnia was good but lost me in all it's turns.. The turns weren't too direct but more blunt and somewhat boring.. The emotional ties with the characters lost from the beginning.. Not caring if they ever found the Killer made me bored.. It stunk.. Al Pachino and Robin Williams have done ALOT better films.. Check out Death to Smoochie for a great film robin Williams has been in.. The Movie is a classic dark comedy.. You come out almost wishing Edwin Norton would die.. Anyways.. Checks out each film this break if you get a chance..
I hope someone cares to read this CRAP.. If you do read this shit, e-mail me a line sometime.. I lose interest for pointless things quickly... later all...

:: ryan 4:39 AM [+] ::

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