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Welcome to my Home Town

Hello and welcome to the Smiling Valley! Hopefully you will enjoy your virtual visit and want to visit in person real soon.

Nestled in the Miami Valley is a charming little village called West Liberty. A proud farming community that has alot to offer folks that come our way. West Liberty has a rich history and in the 1700's the Shawnee Indians called the valley home. The Shawnee are, according to legend, the ones who first called it the "Smiling Valley."

There is a beautiful river than ambles through this valley known as the Mad River. When the Shawnee lived here, their village was on top of a ridge that overlooked the river that ran around the curve of the ridge. When the Indians gazed down upon the sparkling water it looked as if it were smiling at them. Which is why they called it, "Mac-a-chack." Translated to mean, "Smiling Valley."

A huge rock marks where the Indian village used to be. It's on private property and can only be viewed from the road, East State Route 245, just outside of town.

There is a story that's been told for generations about "Squaw Rock." Col. Benjamin Logan and a band of soldiers were sent to destroy the Mac-a-chack villages. The Indians had fled in the opposite direction when they saw the soldiers coming. There was a squaw and her young son who were hiding behind the rock watching the soldiers. One soldier spotted her and thinking it was a warrior, shot her. After he found out he'd killed a woman he felt so bad, he buried her at the base of the rock. He took the boy home and reared him as his own.

The story continues on to say that a couple of years later he and his wife had a daughter and the two would walk to school together. Actually, he would walk her to school, go fishing and hunting all day, then go pick her up from school and walk her home. The two fell in love, but the young girl was afraid of what others would say if she married an Indian, so she married a rich white suitor instead. The morning after they were wed, they were found murdered in their cabin and the Indian boy was never seen again.

Historical places that are a must see!

Mac-O-Cheek, the home of Benjamin and Elizabeth Piatt. They came here from Cincinnatti, Ohio in 1828 and settled in the valley. Their home now called, "The Pioneer House" is currently not open to the public.

Benjamin was a lawyer and Court Circut Judge and he also started a farming operation. Elizabeth ran an Underground Railroad stop to help slaves get to freedom. She also saw to the construction of the first Catholic Church while Benjamin was away on business.

They raised ten children and took in fifteen orphaned children, four of which were their granddaughters. The two youngest children, Donn and Abram, built two unusually beautiful homes which still stand in the valley and are known as "The Piatt Castles."

Abram's home called, Mac-A-Cheek, sits regally on Co Rd 47, just East of West Liberty. Abram was a general in the Civil War and continued his father's farming operation. He also bred race horses. He and his wife had eight children. His home is opened for tours, has a gift shop and boasts all original furniture, an impressive collection of guns and war memorbilia, and an Indian relic collection.

Donn was a Colonel in the Civil War, and a well known writer. He was married to Louise Kirby until her death from TB, later he married her sister, Ella. He and Louise had two children but they did not survive infancy. His home called, Mac-O-Chee, is magestically located on the corner of 245 and 287, East of West Liberty. His home, also opened for tours, is currently being restored to the time when Donn and wife, Ella lived there.

Mac-A-Cheek Castle will offer a special tour, "Traditions Over Time" for the Christmas season from Nov.28th to Dec. 31st in 2003.

Also, close by on St Rt 245 is the "Ohio Caverns". Opened to the public for tours and they have a great gift shop. The caverns are beautiful, especially, The King Crystal.

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