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Simpson Family Page



Church Related

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 Well I have finally decided to update the Family Website. My apologies to all those of you have have waited patiently while I let this site go unattended for a few months. My family is doing well. The site kind of fell to the side with me being a full time student, Church and the Church Website, not to mention my adventures with Diving and the chaos the summer brings (in a good way). I Wish to Thank God for sending his only Son Jesus Christ to die on the Cross for my sins and yours. You don't have to believe it to make it true but I suggest giving eternity a long thought. Since this is my website I have the privilege of voicing my opinion on current world issues. I support President Bush and his decision to act quickly and decisively with Iraq. I believe as Americans we should support ALL our troops, whether we agree politically or not. I think the actions of the "French Government" are laughable at best, perhaps we should have allowed Hitler to stay a little longer, than perhaps they would be singing a different tune. I wish to give a 'shout out' to P.F.C. Mike Vasiloff who is currently serving active duty in  the Army.