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Easily Make $1000's Per Month Selling On Ebay!

Receiving over 1.5 billion page views per month, Ebay is the ULTIMATE venue for selling virtually any goods and making huge profits with almost no effort. But you have to know what to sell and how to sell. That's where Ebay Marketing Explained comes in.

This manual provides easy to understand and detailed instructions for maximizing your profits with selling strategies that are PROVEN WINNERS.

This information will make you 1000's on Ebay.   Although this book was based on Ebay auctions, the overall information will work for ALL online auctions. 

Ebay Marketing 2002 teaches you effective SELLING STRATEGIES and you don't need any specialized computer knowledge.  I'm going to pass on the SECRET SELLING TECHNIQUES that I use each and every day to bring in hundreds of thousands of dollars selling my products on internet auctions.


Buy Ebay Marketing 2002 Guide here:




Classified ads, when used effectively, can be one of the quickest and inexpensive ways to increase sales and customers. A single well-written classified ad can generate hundreds of thousands in sales, but only cost you pennies to run.

Unfortunately, most people don't appreciate the pulling power of classified ads. They think classifieds ads are for selling cars, or finding jobs, not for expanding a business. And while it's true a classified ad is a good way to sell a car, or find a job, it is also true that classified ads can be used to launch and operate multi-million dollar business.

In fact, many businesses rely exclusively on these small low cost ads to generate all their sales. The reason is simple. Once you have discovered how to harness the power of these ads, you really won't need to run expensive display ads.

Classifieds are the best dollar-for-dollar return in advertising!

Classified Advertising is a MUST! However writing successful classified ads is an art and should not be taken lightly.  That is where Classified Ad Secrets 2002 comes in. Our guide is a collection of several reports that will show you the secrets to writing and making money with "order-pulling" classified ads.

Buy Classified Ad Secrets here:


Autoresponder Magic

How to use an Autoresponder for your business without SPAMing people. How to make a good Autoresponder that makes your leads excited. 

only $17.00


Email Marketing Strategies Revealed.

How to to effective e-market for your business  through email. How not to SPAM.  How to create a targeted email list. and a bonus section too.

order Email Marketing Strategies here and start writing the emails that can make YOU money.



The Ultimate E-Library.

Here you will find over 6,000 FREE e-books, reports, software, web tools and many other useful resources. Some of the download files will contain HUNDREDS of files and reports.

You can have all of this for



iNet Success

This is a fast, no-frills guide to earning money on the internet. In a compact "Checklist" style, you will get the explanations and the "features to look for" in many internet-marketing issues. 

You can have this informative E-book for 



The Complete Guide To Building Your Own Website.

This guide tells you everything you need to know to create and run a well run and functional website. 

You can get this informative E-book for 



The Free E-zine Ad System

A full list of free e-zines and how to place an ad in each one of them.

A day-to-day system on posing free ads.

You can buy this E-book here for only



The Pay-Per-Click Commando!

This E-book shows you how to place bids and ads on pay-per-click sites that get traffic to your site and money in your pocket.

This book comes filled with great information that you can use to start making money today.

You can buy this E-book here for only




Ken Varga's "How to Get Customers to Call, Buy and Beg for MORE."

If a multi-millionaire offered to sit down with you and show you all the secrets that made it possible for him to amass his fortune, I know you would be interested.

Successful businessman and entrepreneur, Ken Varga has just released an AMAZING "tell all" book that will have you skyrocketing your profits in no time flat. It's like sitting down with him and having him reveal all his secrets on how to be successful in business.

His book is called "How To Get Customers to Call, Buy & Beg for MORE!" It is the hottest book to be published in this decade. More than 30,000 copies were SOLD before even the first copy rolled off the presses.

You'll want to get your copy quickly so that you can start applying these secret techniques and amassing a fortune of your very own!!!

To find out more about Ken Varga's book click here!


Shawn Casey's, "Mining Gold On the Internet."


September 5, 2002
From the Desk of
Shawn M. Casey, J.D.
Tampa, Florida

 Dear Friend,
If you’ve ever wanted to make big money – maybe even become a millionaire – here’s a foolproof way to make tons of cash online...

Just follow the bulletproof system in my breakthrough step-by-step course, "Mining Gold On the Internet." It’s already made two types of people very rich. Which type are you?

  • Do you have a business now? If so, you’ll learn to rocket your income into the stratosphere! For example, Cameron Dunlap of Palm City, Florida, sent out two little e-mails to 1,800 people and generated 63 orders at $99 per sale. His net profit: $6,000 in 7 days.
  • If you don’t have a business yet, you’ll learn to create non-stop income without the hassles of customer service, inventory, merchant accounts, refunds, or anything else!


to find out more on Shawn Casey's book click here!

Any item that you pay for by PayPal we will send you the file to download your E-book after we receive the email confirmation that the payment went through.


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Last modified: January 07, 2003