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VERIUNI Products
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VERIUNI's Oxygen products:

Oxygen (O2) has long been recognized as the key to life—you won't live for more than a few minutes without it! But in a modern world filled with anxiety, environmental pollutants, and dietary deficiencies, getting the oxygen our bodies need to function at optimum performance and effectively fight off illness and disease can be a challenge.

Don't think so? Just take a look at the routine drops in oxygen levels that result in daily smog alerts for many major cities around the globe. These are actually warning signs that your body is being starved of the full amount of oxygen it needs to remain healthy and function at optimum levels. In reality, these notices should be called "Oxygen Alerts!"

To find out more information on VERIUNI's Oxygen products click here!



VERIUNI's Cleaning Products:

The news is incredible. VERIUNI’s line of environmentally safe cleaning products work like no other cleansers on the market today. And agencies everywhere, from Warner Brothers and Fox studios to Sundance Resorts to the National Parks Service, are lining up to purchase the same products as those found in the VERIUNI line to clean their own facilities.

Several scientific studies have already documented the need for environmentally friendly, consumer-safe alternatives to traditional household cleaners, which contain allergens and toxins linked to illnesses, diseases, and fatigue. Consumers everywhere, including those at businesses, hospitals, and schools, are switching to environmentally safe, effective cleaners to increase health among family members, clients, and employees, while decreasing disposal costs of traditional household toxins.

To find out more information on VERIUNI's Cleaning products click here!



  VERIUNI's nutritional supplements:


Do you hate the taste of your daily vitamins?
Do you even take vitamins daily anymore?


We all have heard that our bodies need a wide range of minerals and vitamins to keep it functioning properly. The experts preach over and over again that a daily supplement is MUST for a healthier lifestyle. It’s true. But it’s difficult to establish a routine of taking multivitamins when the taste and size of the capsule is a deterrent right from the start. Choosing a healthier lifestyle should be an enjoyable experience not a struggle of willpower.

Did you know that some nutrients are not properly absorbed when taken in capsule forms? No one can afford to waste money on supplements that are not effective as they should be.
Discover VERIUNI nutritional products that consist of all-natural ingredients gleaned solely from minerals stored within plants and the earth itself, with no artificial ingredients or preservatives. VERIUNI products are easy to swallow and taste great to boot.  The VERIUNI difference is real!

For more information on VERIUNI's nutritional supplements click here!


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Last modified: January 07, 2003