§§o-^v^†^v^*³³{ Sera's Embrace }³³*^v^†^v^-o§§

Reaching out and touchin me
As your soft voice filled my ears "Come with me little one,
Let me show you the way"

As your cold thin hand grasped mine, I was led through the darkness
Black haze surrounded my mind swirling down the long dank hall
Others stood on either side of us, watching me
searching your eyes for any hint of fear

As your hand released mine, I was left standing in the dark room
the air musky and thick with anticipation

A cold gust of air brused over my neck as your voice whispered
"Close your eyes if you must, but welcome your embrace with open arms.
If you choose to run from who you are to become,
we will hunt you , and tear you apart."
And so begain my new unlife...