A Poem for Gramma

Today is the day you gave up your soul and your life, and now you don’t have anymore hurt and strife.

We are going to remember the good days and bad, the days that were happy and the days that were sad.

The way you use to make us laugh at little things you said, or the way I ended up in a hammock one night I stayed in your bed.

We remember the way you use to crack jokes, and tell them to the same person twice like all aging folks.

You came into this world when times seemed really rough, but you showed everyone that you were really tough.

Along came a man and you fell in love, I don’t really know but I believe he treated you like a dove.

You lived a life that wasn’t complete, you decided some kids would be such a treat.

A girl was born in 1942, and you said, "I know just what I have to do"

You adopted her and made her your own, even though she wasn’t of your own flesh and bone.

You raised her up until she was nine, a boy came along and you said, "I want to make him mine."

This boy was born in 1951, and now you have yourself a son.

You raised them up the best you knew how, even though they probably did some things that made you want to have a cow.

They grew up fast and got out on their own, and now you were feeling really alone.

Your son was 21 your daughter 29, your husband fell sick and wasn’t doing fine.

He passed away and went to a better place, even though he isn’t around you still remember his loving face.

Your daughter gave you your first grandson, You can tell me you didn’t but I bet you spoiled him a ton.

Next came a granddaughter 11 months later, You said to yourself, I will have to approve the man that is going to date her.

You were wondering when your son was going to grant you the same, Well as time did tell it finally came.

A granddaughter came in 1980, and now you tell everyone she’s grown up to be quite a lady.

You got remarried in 1984, and no this man was not a bore.

Along came a great-grandson, oh boy now you are having some fun.

Then your husband fell ill and wasn’t doing fine, but the good Lord said it was his time.

He passed away and you thought it was the end, because you had lost a really good friend.

But then you remembered all that you have, and then you weren’t really so sad.

Along came some more great grandchildren and another grand son, now the fun has really begun.

But then you fell ill and we thought we were going to lose you too, but the good Lord said it wasn’t time for you.

He let you stay, and you got better every day.

We saw you improve in front of our eyes, and no the Lord wasn’t telling us lies.

You were back home and doing great, and it wasn’t a moment too late.

For there were more great grandchildren on their way, A good life I am living is all you could say.

Then one day we thought everything was ok, but that was all to our dismay.

You had fallen onto the ground in the shed, you didn’t catch your fall, you broke both your wrists instead.

Into the hospital again you did go, and we all began thinking oh no no no.

But then you proved all the doctors wrong, and soon you were very strong.

Not as strong as you should be, but stronger then we thought as we soon did see.

Two more great grandchildren are such a treat, and now your life is almost complete.

You were doing just grand, even with two not so good hands.

You made it pretty well on your own, heck you even got a few things sewn.

But then all of a sudden something got a hold of you, and we all really really knew.

It wasn’t going to be very long, until we were going to be singing that song.

The one that I think goes something like this, and puts us in that little bliss,

"Friends" by Michael W. Smith

Packing up the dreams God planted In the fertile soil of you Can't believe the hopes He's granted Means a chapter in your life is through But we'll keep you close as always It won't even seem you've gone 'Cause our heart in big and small ways Will keep the love that keeps us strong And friends are friends forever If the Lord's the lord of them And a friend will not say "never" 'Cause the welcome will not end Though it's hard to let you go In the Father's hands we know That a lifetime's not too long to live as friends With the faith and love God's given Springing from the hope we know We will pray the joy you'll live in Is the strength that now you show But we'll keep you close as always It won't even seem you've gone 'Cause our hearts in big and small ways Will keep the love that keeps us strong

And now I would like to take the time and dedicate this poem, to the one and only person, who made everyone feel at home.

We all are going to miss you, but keep you in our hearts like new.

I know you are going to be our guardian angel, and watch over us from every angle.

Lead us in the way you know best, and really put us to the test.

Now I will take the time to say goodbye, and no I will try not to cry.

Written by:  Jodi Kneller March 1999

to Two Month Anniversary          to Remember