Wo-:Sv Hi-Gi-Ne-Li-i

Dreams have always held many meanings to Native Americans. One of the old Ojibway traditions was to hang a "dream catcher" in their lodge. They believed that dreams float around in the night air, both good and bad. A "dream catcher", when hung, moves freely in the night air and catches the dreams as they float by. The good dreams know the way and slip through the hole in the center, then slide down so softly that often the sleeper below doesn't even know he's dreaming. The bad dreams, not knowing the way, get tangled in the webbing and perish with the first light of the new day. They would hang a small "dream catcher" above the children's sleeping area or on the baby's cradle board.

This indian fan made up of eagle feathers was another artifact that was used. Oklahoma Back Bustle with 6-7" hackles, brown spikes, white hackles for the tips, and yellow and orange fluffs, yellow 5-6" fluffs for second row and orange 5-6" fluffs for the third row. 26 - 14" + extra select wing spikes, 1/8 oz. tip plumes (2-3" fluffs) for outside row, 1 oz. 5-6" fluffs (4 per feather) for front and back of base row, 1/3 oz. 5-6" fluffs for rosette base, 1 wooden dowel, 2 pieces of felt 3-1/2" x 24", 1 tube of craft glue, 1 plywood base, 6 yds. simulated sinew, 3' leather lace, 1 piece strap leather for disc, 1 set of 3 matching rosettes (two 1-1/2" and one 3"), 80 imitation 4" hairpipe, 4 strap leather pieces, 40 imitation 1-1/2" hairpipe, 150 glass trade beads (1 color), 50 glass trade beads (1 color), 45 leather 18" thongs

These Native American shields of good luck are made of natural sheep’s wool, rabbit fur, leather and feathers. These shields are meant to bring prosperity, good health, and happiness. The color of the leather, beads, and feathers will vary. This particular mandella seen here is made of Cowhide as a Good Luck Shield

The circle of the medicine wheel represents the never ending cycle of Life, with each section representing the four directions of Mother Earth. The center of the wheel is sometimes referred to as “The Creators Eye”. A Medicine Wheel Legend Card is attached to each wheel.