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Mina/Minako/Sailor Venus

The thing I like about Venus is that you can imagine her sitting in front of a camera and suddenly saying "I'm ready for my close-up, Mr. DeMille." I just love that about her! She's such an actress! You never know when she's being serious, or when she's just putting on a show. I wish I could do that, but everyone always figures me out :) She claims she wants to be an actress for the greater good of the world. (She's doing the world a favor) She's definitely a drama queen.

Meaning: Surrounded By The Beauty of Love

Birthday: October 22nd

Sign: Libra

Height: 5'0"

Favorite Colors: Yellow and Red

Favorite Gemstone: Topaz

Favorite Subject: Physical Education

Least Favorite Subject: Everything Else

Favorite Food: Pasta

Least Favorite Food: Shitake Mushrooms

Hobby: Chasing Idols

Dream: To Be an Idol

Strong Point: Sports

Weak Points: Mother and The Police

Attacks: Venus Crescent Beam Smash, Venus Crescent Beam Shower, Venus Love Chain Encircle, Venus Love and Beauty Shock