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Hotaru Tomoe/Sailor Saturn

Sailor Saturn is probably the most misunderstood of the Sailor Senshi. She was named the Sailor Scout of Destruction because of her power to destroy the world. What isn't commonly known is that she is also named the Sacrificing Soldier. She doesn't remain awakened for long, because every time she uses her power, she kills herself. To me, that doesn't sound destructive, that sounds like an excessivly good person. In the American version, Hotaru is physically weakened by her lack of energy. Rini is her best friend, and they remain very close even when she is reawakened much later in the Sailor Stars episodes. She's a bit of a enigma herself...

Meaning: Glowing of the Earth

Birthday: January 6th

Height: 3'9"

Favorite Color: Purple

Favorite Gemstone: Flourite

Favorite Subject: World History

Least Favorite Subject: Physical Education

Favorite Food: Japanese Noodles

Least Favorite Food: Milk

Hobbies: Collecting Lamps, Reading

Dream: To be a Doctor

Strong Point: Injury Treatment

Weak Point: Marathons

Attacks: Silence Glaive Surprise, Silence Wall