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Lita/Makoto/Sailor Jupiter

Welcome to Sailor Jupiter's Bio Page! Lita is probably the most talented in the kitchen of the group. She the best cook out of any of the first five senshi. She tends to be considered as the "jock" of the group simply because she's taller, less feminine, and...a bit of a bully. She actually has had quite a bit of attention from the opposite sex. She was even falling for Amara! (Looks like a man, but however is a woman) She tends to take things to heart too many times. Well...enough from on!

Meaning: Wisdom of Trees

Birthday: December 5th

Sign: Saggitarius

Height: 5'6"

Favorite Animal: Horse

Favorite Flower: Lily Of The Valley

Favorite Colors: Green, Sugar Pink

Favorite Gemstone: Emerald

Favorite Subject: Home Economics

Least Favorite Subject: Physics

Favorite Food: Cherry Pie

Least Favorite Food: none

Hobby: Bargain Hunting

Dream: To Own Her Own Restaurant

Strong Point: Cooking

Weak Point: Airplanes

Attacks: Jupiter Thunder Zap, Jupiter Thunder Dragon, Jupiter Thunder Cloud, Sparkling Wide Pressure, Jupiter Oak Evolution