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The Creator!

Hi All You Lovely Sailor Moon Fans! My Bio Is In the Traditional Sailor Moon Format, Enjoy!

Name: Brooke Hall

Nickname: Pluto

Meaning: Calm, Relaxed, Loyal To the End

Birthday: September 15th (I'm 18)

Sign: Virgo

Blood Type: O-negative

Height: 5'8"

Favorite Animal: Dog (My Little Pomeranian, Lucy *I miss you!*)

Favorite Flower: Red Rose

Favorite Colors: Dark Green, Dark Red

Favorite Gemstone: Sapphire

Favorite Subject: Music

Least Favorite Subject: None

Favorite Food: Stir-Fry Chicken

Least Favorite Food: Asparagus

Hobbies: Collecting Anime Stuff, Shopping, Watching Movies,Collecting Boyd Teddy Bears, Listening to Music, Playing My String Bass

Dream: To become a major recording company producer

Strong Points: Playing my String Bass, sticking up for people, being loyal to my friends, shopping

Weak Points: Cleaning, organizing, getting things done in time