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Darien Shields/Mamoru/Tuxedo Mask/Moonlight Knight

Welcome to Darien's Bio Page! Darien is such a cutie isn't he? He's known in the show for being an absolute gentleman. He never ignores someone in need. (If only in real life...) A little known fact for those who haven't seen the show, Darien and Raye actually dated before Serena dated him. In fact, they were considered quite an item and remained rather close even when Serena and Darien were mad for each other. The problem...he just can't say "no" to a pretty girl! What an absolute Prince! (so to speak)

Meaning: Earth Protector

Birthday: August 3rd

Sign: Leo

Height: 6'2"

Favorite Color: Black

Favorite Subject: Physics

Least Favorite Subject: None

Favorite Food: Chocolate

Least Favorite Food: None

Hobby: Reading

Dream: To be a Geneticist

Strong Point: Ladies First

Weak Points: Needles, Serena's Whining

Attacks: Rose Throw, Cane Extention

Serena and Darien, aren't they just the cutest?