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Jesus is the Answer



Welcome to Jesus is the Answer

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We are Christians who love people and desire to share the loving knowledge to you that Jesus loves you and gave his life for you so that you could have true life. If you are not saved by Gods grace through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ His Son then you are missing out on something so big that we do not have enough words to describe it. Jesus is truly the answer to all of life’s problems.


We have a Chat Room and a Message Board available if you would like to talk to us about God or you can send me an email at We would love to hear from you and just be able to share Gods love with you.


Prayer of Salvation

If you would like to be saved where you are at right now read the prayer below and believe it in your heart after you have read it, and then confess it with your mouth afterwards to someone, that Jesus is your Lord and by his grace you are saved. If you say this prayer drop us an email at and tell us that you received salvation and let us help you on your new journey into the Kingdom of God

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Salvation Prayer

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~Salvations Prayer~


I come to you Heavenly Father, with a humble heart.

I ask You, Lord, to forgive me of all my sins.

 I believe that Jesus died on the Cross of Calvary,

and shed His blood for the forgiveness of my sins.

I believe that He died and rose again on the third day.

I believe that He ascended to Heaven and intercedes on my behalf.

This very moment my sins are forgiven,

my name is written in the Lambs Book of Life.

This very moment I am saved, Amen


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