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Christina Gwyneth Ross

No Particular Place To Go · Destinations · Aimless Biographical Info

Until I get to grad school (and that's expensive, so I don't know exactly when that will be) this will probably be my last quote-unquote summer vacation. As much fun as it is to just lie around over the summer, my classes are getting me up pretty early in the morning, and really it's a shame to sit around and not do anything. For this reason I'm trying to see what's worth seeing in my general area, to go to all of the little places that make you say, "Oh, that might be interesting sometime," but you never actually visit. Such as it is, this little page will be a really cheap, random, guide to my current corner of Orange County.

So how am I getting around? Two primary methods: bus and foot. Yes, I'm a bad Californian, I don't have a car. Kind of why this activity has to be saved until summer, yeah? These modes of transport are just fine, but not necessarily that speedy. If you, for some unknown reason, want to do as I do, here are a few links that might be of use:

Rotating text from MediaBuilder. Photo of anteater statue from UCI - History of the Mascot. Tricycle and blimp (other favorite modes of transportation) from IconBAZAAR (all icons by Randy D. Ralph and Christopher E. Ralph). Photo of OCTA bus from