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PSP Tutorial #2 by:-.Maxxie..
*Needed Filter *
*Fonts *

Save the av and bg .... Open them up in psp ..increasing the color depth to 16 mill.24 bit or by pressing shift control+0.
cut and paste the background to the av as a new layer...
decrease the layer to 50%
(layer palette shown below)

decreased layer

using your eraser tool (settings shown below .diagram a) erase the area of the arms
now still using your eraser (settings below . diagram b) erase parts of the body

Diagram A Diagram B

Now increase the layer depth up to should look like or atleast similair to the av shown below
if it doesnt jus go back and go over the erasing steps again.

goto your psp tools and select the selection tool ..(settings are shown below)

Using the selection tool we're going to draw a rectangle starting at the uper left corner and bringing it down a little ways...
now add a raster layer
Then using your effects ..3d effects ..cutout..settings are as follows
vertical.1 horizontal.1 opacity.100 blur.3
shadow color. black check fill interior n the color is white.

Now using your text tool ...size 8 or 9 i used arial but any font is usable.. rotate the floating text to the left by 90 degrees and place it in the rectangle
Add another raster layer..then go into effects..3d effects..cutout same settigs as above
Now going into your layer palette delette the floating selection..and left click on the av

Now there are many ways you can accent your text just using your psp tools for those that are familiar with this just use 2 to 3 other fonts and add the name 2 or 3 more times and add your own bit of magic
For those that are not or are beginers ...follow the steps below...

open a new image (settings below)

using your text tool font size 12 it on the white bg. now go into your psp effects
3d effects and use cutout (being we used this effect in this lesson the settings will stay the same)
now rite click on the av and you have a clean cutout text...

ok now add text again ..leave the 1st one on the image so you can see the diferences in text styles
place the text on the bg and add a new raster layer

after you add the raster layer ..go into effects then 3d effects and cutout (using the same seetings)
now open your layer palette and delette the floating selection ..then rite click on the av..
those are just 2 ways of doin a cutout text using just your psp tools..

Now open up another image same settings as we used for the previous one
and using yourt font tool size 12 again text onto the bg ...
now go into effects, 3d effects, dropshadow:and the settings for dropshadow are as follows
Vertical:1, Horizontal:1,Opacity:100,and blur:1.2...add the dropshadow n rite click on the bg

Now Place a new text on the bg ...add a new raster layer..and then go back into effects , 3d effects, dropshadow (same settings) then go into your layer palette and delette the floating selection..rite click on the bg and theres your dropshadowing lessons :)

Now go back to the av and add your own text effects ..
And Wo0t!! ya done