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I choo choo choooose you.

(December 22, 2004) I swear I'm getting thing settled on here... the lyrics are slowly making their way onto the site, I moved the pictures here and my journal is now at (it won't let you click on a link, so you are going to have to copy and paste the link into the browser). Not only that, but I am also moving some quotes onto here as well. I don't have a page for it just yet, but I'm working on it. I also want to take the picture down on this front page and replace it with a pic of me... just have to get a good one. But it should be shaping up in the first few months of the year. I'll keep you updated!

(March 10, 2004) I've been working on this a little more even though it doesn't look all that apparent on this here first page. I have put up some more pictures, and I am still working on the "Bands I've tormented" (KIDDING!) section. I have also been working on some new ideas for the site. Like gutting it. Yeah, I think I am going to go through and decide what needs to be thrown in the trash bin. There are stories that I have put on here that really don't make too much sence to people who aren't directly involved, or (at least) know a little bit of background information on the situation. Plus, there are probably more people (read: my family) who have probably seen this, and I am a little embarrassed by the language... I promise to tone it down!

That being said, it might be a little while before it gets done, but it will get done. And if it looks kind of bare, don't worry, there will be more added as soon as I can get it on here. Also, if it still kind of looks the same on this first page, still look around... there might be little surprises awaiting you on other pages (such as now having, I believe, 14 pages of friends and family pictures)!

Thank you for bearing with me! Oh, don't be looking for the Linkin Park concert or the Stephen Lynch show pictures on here any time soon. As awesome as those shows were, and as amazing shots as I think I had gotten of the events, they just didn't turn out as clear as I would have liked... and certainly not clear enough for me to post them on here. Sorry. But they were great shows. Ask me about them and I will tell you all the cool stuff (assuming you weren't there yourself, and if you were, then why are you asking me, freak? Kidding again).

I thought I was going to have to have a heart attack, for cereal. I couldn't get this page to come up and i though my account had been shut down for not using it in a while. Thank God that wasn't the case.

So here is your little tid bit for the day (December 6, 2003): Listen to "My Immortal" by Evanescense. Oh... my... god. It is gorgeous! I get chills listening to it. It is a song that demands attention, much like "Hearts Collide." It is hard to believe that the lead singer is 22. She can SO kick Christina Aguilara's ass any day of the week when it comes to quality of vocals and songwriting. Besides the fact that she doesn't look like a cracked-out, 2 cent skank ho.

Favorite lyric: (well, all of them, but if I had to choose) "You used to captivate me by your resonating life/ Now I'm bound by the life you left behind./ Your face it haunts my once pleasant dreams/ Your voice it chased away all the sanity in me." Don't tell me that some of you haven't been there. But seriously, listen to the whole song, it is mostly piano, but the band breaks in almost at the end of the song for the climax, and then it goes back to piano... I love that. Chilling, moving, emotion-inducing, jaw-dropping, and just plain brilliant. Evanescence, I raise a toast to you.

I think I may include the whole song on my journal.

I want to share part of a lyric from Red Wanting Blue. It from a song called "Hearts Collide." Now, anyone who knows me knows that this is one of my all time favorite songs, and I feel that everyone should hear it. Well, here is my favorite part... "What a beautiful curse and wicked bliss to be confined to one heart in a world where/ it's impossible to know if it's love without two./ When hearts collide like fireflies lost in a shooting star shower/ I would chase the sunset west to keep the day alive one more hour/ But I'm eaten alive by the butterflies and the petals of daisies as I/ Pace beneath the hair hanging from Rapunzel's tower." *sniff* Isn't that beautiful?! But seriously, it is an awesome song... one of those that, as Jonah (the drummer for the band) has stated, "hits you like a Mack truck." Yeah. Couldn't have put it better myself.

As you were

Today (November 7, 2003) I will include a quote from Miss Melissa Howard. In it is includes a quote from Antoian (spelling is not correct, I know. I'll fix it later) who was with her on the RW/RR challenge. Here it is: "I just got an email from him saying 'there will be a savant mix of smooth music, quality Belgian beers, Italian red wine, French arrogance and pull-up socks in my hotel room for those interested.' Needless to say, I'm kicking it in Twan's room. And he isn't French. Why do we keep saying that?"

This is where you can chooose (ha!) to read my journal!

Here are the lyrics to some of my favorite songs!

Here are some pics I thought you might like to see.

CD's on heavy rotation in my car.

Check these out!

Melissa from Real World New Orleans
Carrot Top
Oval Opus
Dane Cook... enough said
Everybody to the limit!
Stephen Lynch... just a little bit special
Here's muh man's homepage... I'll get him to update :)
The new band with Todd and Trevor from Shaker