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Sarah's BioWebpage
Main Elements
  • Nature Tour Take a nature tour.
  • Learn a Little Learn importance of biodiversity.
  • Fun Downloads Download screensavers and more.
  • Cool Links Visit cool environmental links!
  • Surveys Take surveys and see results.
  • Purpose: This site is designed to give viewers an appreciation for biodiversity on the planet, teach them the importance of maintaining biodiversity, and offer suggestions for how to help save our planet for the future. It contains photos, facts, downloads, and links. I hope to show that all life forms are important to others and, therefore, to the well-being of our planet. I wish to inspire people to take an active role in working to improve and preserve the environment so that healthy ecological balance can be maintained for the future.
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    Target Audience:This site is designed for people relatively unfamiliar with environmental issues and the importance of biodiversity to the ecology of our planet.

    Design Considerations:In designing this site I will try to create a balance of facts and fun to create interest in the subject. I will try my best to present only facts, but it is difficult to not be somewhat biased by personal opinion.

    Limiting Factors:Because my general intent is to inform those who are relatively unknowledgeable of the issues covered, content will not be covered in great depth. Anyone with expertise on the information in my site may still enjoy the links and downloads, so I encourage anyone interested in or passionate about ecology or biodiversity to check it out.