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Hey welcome welcome to the site, it's nothing spectacular yet or anywhere near my html capiable abilities, like that big word usage huh lol.. Anyways for now the sites just up for all you wonderful peoples pleasures of voting, and to get these lovely people running for top notch ..there, remember you have to have atleast 20 votes to be considered a *top notch* and to get trasfered into that album, to vote simply click either of the pictures below to vote male and/or females or the text under each picture if for any reason the pictures don't show up. And don't try voting more the once because guess what, you can't LoL..Also i've added the message board (click the link below) so instead of sending me messages like "so and so doesn't belong on the site" ..Post it in the message board! But lets keep the negativity down, lets hear comments there to0 ..Well have fun! ;]