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My Photo Album

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Olympic Games, Sydney 2000

Olympic Games, Sydney 2000
(My Mate from the States)

This is me (on the left) with my friend Jeanette who is a Trauma Nurse from Seattle. Jeanette was a medical volunteer at the Sydney Olympic Games and the only nurse to represent the U.S.A. at the Games. It took two year’s worth of paperwork between us and Olympic Officals to get her here and it was worth every minute.
I travelled to Sydney and we stayed in Ashfield (an inner suburb of Sydney)during the Games. We went to the 'track and field' finals. When it was over, we had the obligatory pic taken (that's us, grinning like cheshire cats).

Morning Tea

Hard Rock Cafe, Sydney
(Hard Rock Cafe)

I showed Jeanette around the sights of Sydney and and of course good ol' Aussie hospitality. Boy did we have a good time. Several hangovers shared between us. On our last day together, we went into Sydney and started up the top end of town at the Hard Rock Cafe for morning tea (that's us way, way over the back of the bar). Worked our way down through the city (shopped till we dropped), and ended up at The Rocks (under the Sydney Harbour Bridge, next to the Opera House), making our presence known at several little bars along the way. We ended the day, going out to dinner that night at a great little restaurant that was filled with Olympic supporters.
Jeanette wore her Official Olympic Unform everywhere we went and boy, did that get us VIP treatment.
Tourists and business-operators alike could not do enough for us. Many times throughout the day we were stopped by international visitors who wanted to have thier pic taken with us.
(Hmmm wonder if that was my '15 minutes of fame".)
We had the time of our lives and I will treasure those memories forever.

Aussie Woman Attacked by Two British Lions

Aussie Woman Attack by Two British Lions
(Kisses for the Winner)

Yep, that's right, I was attacked by two British Lions 'Supporters'. The British Lions are a Rugby Union Football team made up of players from England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland. Every twelve years they play a three-game competition against the Australian 'Wallabies'. We have won many games over the years but have not won a series in over 90 odd years of the comp. Except when I went to barrack in July 2001. That's right, WE WON!!! But the after-game celebrations were even better (as this pic shows). Two cute little supporters from Scotland (don't worry about their hats, that is just something they wear when supporting) just could not wait to congratulate me on our win. Well at least I think that is what they were doing *grin*. That's my hubby in the background, thinkin' to himself "Oh gees, what the hell is she up to this time!!" Yeah right, like he did not think I noticed the Lions supporters' hat he had donned, swapped with a cute little Irish number for his yellow wallabies hat now did he?
The pic was taken by my best mate (and drinking buddy) Barb.
Together, we have kept several alcoholic beverage companies afloat during these hard econonic times.
Yep, that is what we call doing our bit for the Australian economy.

Water Skiing

Water Skiing
(Not so Tricky)

This is me on 'trick' water skis. They have no fin or tunnel allowing you to perform tricks like jumping, spinning etc. Now I can ski quite proficiently on one ski, but my friends thought it would make for comic relief to put me onto the trick skis. Now what did I learn?
I learnt how to fall off in at least 20 different ways without causing any serious injury.

Favourite Water Skiing Place

Lake Macquarie
(Lake Macquarie)

This is one of the many grassy banks of beautiful Lake Macquarie just north of Sydney. Lake Macquarie has over 300klm of shoreline and opens up to the Pacific Ocean at Swansea.
We have spent many hours water skiing from here with family and frineds.

Blue Heelers

Blue Heelers
(Relaxing with the Missus)

These are my pet dogs 'Rubble' (male) and 'Missy' (little female). Ferocious looking aren't they? They are Australian Blue Heelers. 'Blue' due to the colouring and 'Heeler' because of the way they nip at the heels of cattle when herding them. The only thing this pair herd is a stray cat who is silly enough to wander into our backyard. Although when we walk them along the beach they certainly give the seagulls a hard time.

A Long Wait!

Before I After
(Before and After)

This is me (left) at a family BBQ. Isn't it sad when your family puts you in a chair and then forgets about you.
And (right), all that was left when they finally remembered where they put me.
Hmmm but now that I look at that god-awful early 90's hairdo I think I'd have left me in that chair too!!!

The Spot

G Spot

Oh buggar, there it is!!!
No wonder I am such a fan of cross-country trekking.


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