
Name: Papi
Birth date: January 13, 2003
Sex: Male
I am: Chow/German Shepard; 120 lbs
Love life: In love w/ d neighborhood bitch
Occupation: Absolutely nothing :o)
Favorite food: Panda's fortune cookies
Hobbies: Laying/sitting around, sleeping, barking, killing pigeons, pretending to be mean ~ I'm a big baby :o))
Upset by: Thunder-storms, not getting my way, pigeons, extremely hot weather


| My pictures |

January 2005

August 4, 2005

August 4, 2005

August 4, 2005

August 4, 2005

August 5, 2005

August 5, 2005

August 5, 2005

As you can see I am GORGEOUS


| ~(o; |

mY neW liTTle bUddy Bela

my cheating slut girlfriend (o;