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Oreo, the pygmy goat page

Some kool links

My homepage
Canfield fair, where I will be show ing Oreo on Aug. 29- Sept. 3
Salem OH~ where we live

WELCOME ~*Oreo, Pygmy Goat Page*~ Oreo is 5 months Old and is in the color catigory The Black. She currently lives in a dog house. We feed her Goat food from CT, but she will eat any thing else she wants to. She won two 3rd place ribbons, one for SHOWMENSHIP and OPENCLASS, she also got a 4th place in the 4H catigory (I am in Circle 62 4H club in Damascus Ohio) at the Columbiana County fair. Oreo is a very energetic goat, and VERY stubborn (Arent all goats? lol). She loves to flip off of out back deck and to run and hop around the house. We paid $100 for her, from New Waterford, O. Pygmy goats make PERFICT pets and companions~ the'll even walk on a leash and follow you around!!!! *~More info on PYGMY'S in gereral later.~* Still under construction!!!!! Come back soon! Dont 4get to sign the guest book!

Pygmy Goat Webring
This Pygmy Goat Webring site is owned by: Oreo, my pygmy goat.
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