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James and Thomas Chun Page

Slide Show of Our Pictures

James Sung-Ho Chun
Jan 28, 2003 - Feb 24, 2003
Feb 28, 2003 - May 1, 2003
May 6, 2003 - May 24, 2003
Jun 21, 2003 - Aug 9, 2003
Aug 10, 2003 - Sept 1, 2003
Sept 5, 2003 - Oct 4, 2003
Oct 18, 2003 - Oct 25, 2003
Oct 31, 2003 - Nov 15, 2003
Nov 29, 2003 - Dec 25, 2003

Thomas Sung-Bin Chun
Jan 28, 2003 - Mar 8, 2003
Mar 27, 2003 - May 4, 2003
May 5, 2003 - May 23, 2003
May 27, 2003 - June 21, 2003
June 30, 2003 - Sept 1, 2003
Sept 13, 2003 - Oct 4, 2003
Oct 7, 2003 - Nov 11, 2003
Nov 14, 2003 - Nov 18, 2003
Dec 13, 2003 - Jan 11, 2004

BONUS Blast from the Past

Thank you for visiting our home page.
Thomas is now home at last.
James had the surgery on Oct 6.
James is recovering at the Children's 4TN.

Our family would like to sincerely thank all the nurses and doctors
who took care of James and Thomas during their stay
at Riverside Methodist and Children's NICU.

Also, we thank God and our family and friends who prayed and
are still praying for James and Thomas continuously
since their birth. Praise the LORD!!!

The pictures are updated every week. (last update 1/19/2004)
If you have any suggestion, please email us at
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