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Queries/ Comments areas 
Type your comments or queries here,will get back asap.Remember to leave yr e-mail or blogspot add.For those want to link ,pls provide yr links & i will link you back!

Comments (72) | Add a Comment

hi~!linked u liao .link me back too wor=D
jas | December 14, 2006

simply-art linked you. linked me back too at =D
simply-art | December 27, 2006

simply-art linked you. linked me back too at =D
simply-art | December 27, 2006

You're linked! =D
CheckThisOutt | January 05, 2007

linked u. link me too yea. =)
ppg | January 14, 2007

cheap tops and pretty earrings up for grabs! do visit us now!! Do link us, babe! You've been linked x)
SplurgeImpulse | | January 15, 2007

hi.. i link you up le.. link me back.thanks
Bianca | | January 30, 2007

linked =))
clothe-mebaby | February 07, 2007

hellos ! ((:
you guys are LINKED !
hope you link us back as SECONDS- !
SECONDS- | February 14, 2007

hi you are LINKED! PLease link us now .Links us as 28th-street thx =D
28th-street | February 18, 2007

hei there!already linked u up yups=)

WAKLOOS | March 03, 2007

hi! linked ya. do link me back as F@sh!oN Diva. thanks

F@sh!oN Diva | | March 04, 2007

hey. we've linked you up alr. pls link us up too! thanks! (:
iboutique- | March 16, 2007

i linked u!!!!! link me back at k?? thnx loads<333 =D
happy-shop | March 17, 2007

I linked you! please link us!!
JJNKY | March 21, 2007    Next