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Welcome To Our World

Hi, welcome to our pages. We are obviously still new to this, and we aren't quite sure what we are doing, but please bare with us. We are really busy preparing for this weekend! GRADUATION! FINALLY!!! WOOHOO!! 4 years of hell are finally over! Then unfortunatly we both have to finally grow up and enter the "real" world, whatever that is. But we will try to keep these pages updated and we will be changing things to give this a new look. Come back next week for some of our graduation pics! Please visit all our pages, and of course TAKE OUR POLL AND SIGN OUR GUESTBOOK!!! WE LOVE FEEDBACK!

Here is a recent picture of us! This was taken August 15th. Aren't we adorable? LOL

Here we are again with Lindsay Getting ready to go tubing in a river near our home. Tubing is awesome!! lol

Casey's Playhouse
Tina's Dream house
See Our Friends
Our Famous Phrases
Malone College

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Oh My! It's A Heffer!!

Girl, You Ain't Nothin but a straight up hoochie!