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This site is under construction. Please check back soon.

NODROG is a site devoted towards my future as a portfolio manager. Particular discussions will be made on the overall economy, different industries and sectors, along with individual stocks. The focus of the site will be directed towards the tracking of a non-existence portfolio of stocks. The ultimate goal is to see whether or not I can make it as a future portfolio manager. Anything that the audience can take away from this site to simulate self-thoughts and motivation is allowed. However, this website is not by any means a place to receive investment advice. I am not a licensed stock broker or financial analyst. I am a college student with a lot of time and nothing to do. Along with the topic of investments, a sports section will be devoted towards discussion. This will include weekly columns on the different happenings in the sports world.

The website will take some time to develop. I am the webmaster and the information provider. Therefore, please be patient with me as I hope to have this site fully running in the next month.