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Noah William Stoynoff's Homepage


Well as you can tell from above Noah's whole world is revolving around dinosaurs these days. He just loves them. We are taking him up to the Cleveland Natural History Museum in the next couple weeks to see their exhibit.

The weather is slowly getting better and Noah is starting to get out and play. He has been to see the circus and Sesame Street Live in last few weeks and had a great time. He is really coming along well with his speech and talks non-stop. We have gotten him signed up for pre-school in the fall and I am hoping that he will behave. I am almost finished with school for the semester and we are looking forward to spending the summer at the zoo and playground.

Hope this update finds everyone well.


Pictures of Noah (updated 04/28/05)

Noah's Family Album (updated 10/06/01)

Ultrasound pictures of Noah (updated 02/02/02)

Pictures from my Baby Shower


It's three AM, they're all asleep, and no one's here to see. As we rock slowly back and forth, My baby boy and me. His little hand is feather light Tucked up against my chin. I hold his tiny hand in mine, and stroke his baby skin. The house about us creaks and groans, The clock hands creep around. He snuggles closer to me still, And makes his baby sounds. I love these quiet hours so much, And cherish every one. Store memories up inside my heart For lonely nights to come. All too soon he'll be grown up, His need for mama gone. But until then I still have time For kisses and for songs. Time for quiet hours like this With him cuddled in my arms, Where I wish he'd always stay Protected, safe and warm. And yet I know the day will come When his tiny little hand, will be bigger than my own. He'll grow to be a man. But until then he's mine to love With no one here to see. As we rock slowly back and forth, My baby boy and me.

Noah's Footprints


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Site last updated: 04/28/05