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Anime is a very important part of my life, I watch it, draw it, and write stories about it. I just can't get enough anime! So this page is dedicated to anime, including all of the shows I enjoy watching. I'll have pictures, summaries, and ratings. Now if you don't already watch anime, I hope this page will convince you to do so!

P.S. 5 smiles is the best!


Inuyasha is probably one of the most watched anime in the US. I watch it and I myself like it. It is kind of repeditive though, like every episode the same kind of thing happens. A demon comes, Kagome is put in danger, and Inuyasha saves her and kills the demon. It has comedy, romance, but mostly adventure.

It first starts off with a modern day girl named Kagome who lives on a shrine in Tokyo. Then one day she falls down an ancient well called the Bone Eaters Well and is carried 500 years into the past, back to the feudal era. There, she finds a half demon named Inuyasha pinned to a tree by an arrow. She frees Inuyasha from the spell. There is a jewel called the Shikon No Tama that in the 2nd episode is taken out of her body.
She then learns that she is the reincarnation of a miko (preistess) named Kikyo. Kikyo was the protector of the Shikon Jewel but died 50 years before. Inuyasha and Kikyo were supposedly "in love" in the past but were tricked into betryaing eachother.
Then in like the 3rd or 4th episode Kagome shatters the jewel into hundreds of tiny piecies. So then Inuyasha and KAgome have to travel throughout all of Feudal Japan to collect all the shards.
Along the way, they meet a kitsune named Shippo, a lecherous monk named Miroku, and a demon slayer named Sango along with her cat demon Kirara.


Wolf's Rain-

Wolf's Rain is a great show if you like depressing things. It is filled with blood, revenge, death, and trying to find something called Paradise.

Wolf's Rain takes place in the future when all wolves are belived to be extinct. In fact, the wolves have learned to transform into humans when they need to in order to stay alive, sort of like a werewolf. So they're basically walking among the humans but no one can reconize they're wolves. So there is one white wolf named Kiba who is searching for a place called Paradise, where wolves can run free and not have to hide from humans. Later on Kiba meets three other wolves, Tsume, Hige, and Toboe who join himon his journey to find paradise. It is a really depressing show with no comedy whatsoever. Romance can be seen once or twice but not very often, and like I said it had lots of blood and death and is very graphic. It is a really good show though just not for kids.


Full Metal Alchemist-

Full Metal Alchemist is also a very popular show in the United States. Unlike Wolf's Rain, it has plenty of comedy but is serious at the same time.

Full Metal Alchemist is about two brothers, Edward and Alphose Elric. When they were just young boys, their mother died of an illness. Blinded by the wish to bring their mother back to life, they tryed to bring her back through a human transmutation which used alchemy. But the plan went horribly wrong when the younger brother, Al, was sucked into the void they had opened. In order to get his brother's soul back, Ed gave his right arm and left leg up and in return was able to paste his brother's soul to a suit of armor. After a few years, the boys wish to find a legendary substance called the Philosopher's Stone, it is said that the owner of the stone, can use alchemy without the law of equivilant exchange. So Ed joins the military in order to obtain information on the stone so he and his brother can get their original bodies back. This show is about thier journeys. It is a really good show but graphic so I wouldn't reconmend it for kids.


Cowboy Bebop-

Like Wolf's Rain, Cowboy Bebop takes place in the future when we are able to travel from planet to planet in rocket ships like we can in cars. It's about a group of bounty hunters traveling throughout space trying to catch criminals in order to get the bounties placed on them. In the show however, they never succed in actually getting the money. It's a good show but once again not for kids due to the sexual refrences, language, and violence. It can be funny at times but is mostly serious.
