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I am slowly trying to put this page together. Please sign my guestbook and let me know what kind of things you want to see. I regret that not all areas are open yet. Check back frequently things change.
Dedicated to the pursuit of the Mingo Language. Twatênôk!
The dragon in the upper left corner of my pages will always bring you home.

Language News Geek Stuff Comic Relief Herbs
A Mingo Kitchen Astrology Totems Crafts
Spiritual Daily Words

Welcome to the Mingo Language Newsletter.Started June 30,2003. During the month of May2003 the Mingo List (e-mail chat) had a discussion regarding the future of the Mingo Language. The general line of thought was that people would learn a little bit here and there but that it would never again be anyone’s primary language. There would never be books or newspapers printed in the Mingo Language.
I know that as a people we are capable of anything. As a people we decided that it was important for us to learn this language and I know that we can prove them wrong.
We are all very busy and do not have many hours each day to dedicate to learning the language.
Surprisingly it doesn’t take that much time. Use this newsletter and before long we will be able to prove them wrong.
One of the easiest ways to expand your vocabulary is by using a word of the day. Each month a new list will appear in the Newsletter. Each month the current list of words will be used in Mingo throughout the newsletter but they will have the English word listed behind it.
The words from previous months will not be listed with the English translation so save your back issues. Before long we will be reading a newsletter entirely in Mingo.
Remember “Just do your best!”
Each issue will contain regular sections such as: a technical section ( sounds, grammar, etc.) , Spiritual translations ( Christian & Traditional), and Word of the Day. Other articles will appear periodically as things regarding the language occur. If you have suggestions for things to include please contact me. Tanya Tudor 9343 Baker—Hansleman Road Georgetown, Ohio 45121 (937)378-5621 or e-mail or

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